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20+ ways to keep baby awake during breastfeeding

There are many reasons you might want to keep a baby awake while breastfeeding. The number one reason is that they keep feeding! While babies can “dream feed,” they might stop drinking if they fall asleep at the breast, and it’s important they keep going, especially in the earliest weeks. You might also not want them to fall asleep in the later weeks because of trying to get them on a sleep schedule.

Your touch, warmth, smell, and milk are so comforting and calming for your baby. They feel perfectly relaxed when with you to feed with all of their needs met, and they relax right into sleep time. Because of the reasons above, you might not want that to happen, while still making sure nursing is a happy and comfortable time for them. Don’t worry– they’ll still loving nursing even if you tickle them a bit to stay awake.

Mom breastfeeding baby
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How to keep baby awake during breastfeeding

First, consider the timing. Feed them right after they’ve woken up so they are rested instead of sleepy, or right after a bath so their wet hair might make them a little colder.

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Next, think about the environment. Keep the white noise machine off, the room cool, and blanket and snuggly clothes off. You could also lay them on a flat surface while you sit next to them so your warmth and softness don’t encourage them to fall asleep. Advice differs on whether to keep the lights on or off. Lights on may make it harder for them to fall asleep, but may also encourage them to close their eyes. You’ll have to experiment with what works for your baby.

Besides setting yourself up in those ways, the main way to keep a baby awake while breastfeeding is to change things up during the feeding session. When you see your baby drifting off, use these methods to make a change to keep them awake:

  • Change the hold position
  • Change the breast they are feeding from
  • Take off a piece of their clothing like socks
  • Change their diaper before continuing
  • Blow air on their face
  • Move their limbs
  • Tickle them
  • Make eye contact
  • Talk to them or make other sounds
  • Rub a wet washcloth on their head or skin
  • Pause for a burping break
  • Squeeze your breast so the milk flow increases
  • Turn music on
  • Take a deep breath or make another movement

Sometimes a baby might fall asleep to tune everything else when things get overwhelming, so if you’ve turned on the lights, music, and everything else to make it hard to fall asleep, it can end up having the opposite effect. If your baby is falling asleep with little stimulation or lots of stimulation, just try doing the opposite to see if that helps. Baby may need to concentrate on eating to be able to keep going so you can back off on all of these above methods if it’s not working.

Woman breastfeeding a baby

Expert tips

Kathy Kuhn, RN, BSN, IBCLC says that stroking under the baby’s chin from chin to Adam’s apple with medium pressure can help promote staying awake to feed.

The Dr. Sears website recommends if you are waking baby up from sleep to feed, try to do it during REM sleep: “This lighter stage of sleep is recognized by fluttering eyelids, sleep grins, clenched fists, and limbs that are not limp. A baby in a deep sleep is harder to rouse.”

Anne Smith, IBCLC gives these tips to increase stimulation: “Rub his back in a circular motion from the shoulder blades down and back up; stroke his scalp in gentle but firm circles, squeeze gently in the cavity between his neck and collarbone (remember in grade school when someone wanted to get your attention, and they sneaked up from behind and grabbed your shoulder blade? Remember how you jumped out of your chair? This is effective, but do it gently); rub his hands or feet by applying pressure with your thumb (your partner can do this while you are nursing to help keep him stimulated); walk your fingers up his spine; move his arms and legs in a bicycling motion, play pat-a-cake; or circle his lips with your fingertip. Keep talking to him and trying to establish eye contact.”

Be sure to follow the advice of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) when it comes to breastfeeding. If a baby is falling asleep, they may be done feeding and you don’t want to force them to overeat. You know the context of your feeding journey best, so trust yourself.

Sarah Prager
Sarah is a writer and mom who lives in Massachusetts. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, National…
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The more extreme sleep training methods

These are a little more on the controversial side, but they are recognized sleep training methods.
Cry-it-out method
One of the most controversial sleep training methods is the cry-it-out method, which might be the hardest on parents. You put your child to bed as you normally would and do not, for any reason, go back into their room. If your child still takes a night feeding, you feed the baby and get right back out of the room. Experts don't even agree about if and when it's OK to go in and comfort the baby.
Chair method
The chair method is also a little controversial because it is like the cry-it-out method, except the parent is sitting in the room. You put a chair next to the crib and sit in it to comfort the baby. Once your little one is asleep, you leave. If the baby starts to cry or wakes up, you go to the chair while they fall back asleep. Each night, you move the chair a little further away from the crib. You don't pick the baby up, pat them, or do anything to soothe them but sit in the room with them.
Fading methods

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Feeding for the first 6 months

Birth to 1 month old
To be honest, this stage is pretty boring. Your little one is on a breast milk or formula-only diet. You can't introduce any form of solids (no matter how mushy), water, or anything else. Your baby eats one meal and one meal only during this time. But don't worry; your baby is getting enough to eat with just breast milk or formula. They eat 8 to 12 times a day until around 2 months old.
If your baby is breastfed, they will eat every couple of hours. It feels like you are feeding baby every hour on the hour, and some days it may be just that, but every 2 to 3 hours means it's mealtime.
Formula fed
Formula babies go a little longer in between feedings. They will want to eat every 3 to 4 hours.
2 to 4 months old
Your little one is still on a formula or breast milk meal schedule. They will eat more in a sitting and less often, so there is still a change in feeding, but nothing else is introduced yet.
4 to 6 months old
Your baby is still enjoying up to 6 meals of breastmilk or formula a day, but baby food could possibly be layered in. There are readiness markers to see if your child may want to start solids. Keep in mind that you should not be watering down any bottles or giving regular milk yet. No eggs, peanut butter, or soft cheeses.
From 6 months to 1 year old

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