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Tired baby yawning

Why your baby won’t stop yawning — and when to be concerned

Yawning in general is common, but scientists know little about them and why they happen. Excessive yawning by babies and could indicate a medical issue.
Toddler playing peekaboo

Peekaboo: The simple game that’s great for your baby

Swaddled sleeping baby in a bed

How to dress a newborn for bed: Comfort and safety tips

A baby standing in their crib

When do babies stop napping? A guide to baby sleep changes

A baby playing with the mobile above their crib

Science baby names that are as smart as your future scientist

Cute baby girl sitting outside on a fall day eating snack.

The most adorable and unique baby girl nicknames

A newborn baby in a bassinet

What are the most popular baby boy nicknames?

A highchair set up with a baby toy, sippy cup, and green baby food

When can babies eat spinach? Don’t rush to feed it too early

A mother taking her baby's hands out of their mouth.

Baby sucking on their hand? You’ll be surprised what’s behind this behavior

A mother changing a baby on a bed

What to do if your baby falls off the bed: Steps for proper care

A mother helping the baby to cruise along the couch.

A guide to cruising babies: What it means for your little one

Mother holding her baby in bed

Is your baby done with breastfeeding? Watch for these 6 signs

Baby bump wrapped up like a Christmas present.

Holiday baby names that deck the halls all year long

If you love the holiday season and have a little one on the way, think about choosing one of these festive Christmas baby names.
Baby sleeping in their crib with a stuffed bear

Is the cry it out method right for your baby?

No matter if you are sleep training your first or third baby, you have heard about the cry it out method. See if this is right for your baby before you commit.
Woman breastfeeding older infant outside

Myths about breastfeeding — debunked

Misinformation about breastfeeding can cause parents to stop before they would like. Let's clear up some big-time misnomers.
Parent rubbing baby feet

Vicks VapoRub on feet: Is it dangerous for kids?

When your child has a cold, is Vicks VapoRub rub on feet dangerous? Let's see when and where this ointment should go if your child feels under the weather.
Baby playing on tummy and reaching for a toy

Try these great tips when baby hates tummy time

Try these X tips to encourage tummy time when your baby hates it
Newborn baby girl crying

Why babies cry and when to worry if they won’t stop

When your newborn won't stop crying, you probably want to join in, but don't worry, here's why babies cry and when you need to worry.
Baby sleeping in crib with a gray blanket and decals

4-month-old sleep schedule: What you need to know

What exactly does a 4-month-old sleep schedule look like? Here's what bedtime and daily naps may look like when your little one hits this stage.
Cute baby girl in a headband sitting up.

Unique girls’ names for your daughter — get inspiration from this list

If you want to opt for a unique girl's name that will set your daughter apart. look through this list and see if any of them click for your little one.
Father burping his baby

How to get rid of baby hiccups and why you should

If you have noticed your baby making those gasping noises, here's how to get rid of baby hiccups and try to stop the next fit from happening.
Cute baby drooling

Baby drool rash: What you need to know about this common occurrance

Drool rash is a common occurrence with babies, so if you're little one has one, we've got everything you need to know to make it feel better.
Woman feeding baby in a high chair

Baby refusing solid foods? Here’s why, and what you can do about it

There might be several reasons why your baby isn't eating solid foods just yet. We discuss what could possibly be going on.
Mother holds her baby near a crib

These 55 magical fairy names for babies may be perfect for your little one

When you want a more unique name, here are as many magical fairy names as we could find to give you plenty of options for your new bundle of adorable.
A baby sitting up looking at the camera

6-month milestones: What to expect

If you're wondering what the 6-month milestones are for babies, we've got everything you need to know in this go-to guide.
A baby's knees

Do babies have kneecaps? We’ll explain everything

We've all taken a tiny baby leg and tried to see how flexible it is. But it makes you wonder, do babies have kneecaps? Here is what you need to know.
Baby reading with parent

Book lovers will flip for these classic literary baby names

Give your baby a name straight out of a novel. Perfect for book lovers.
Toddler boy walking around

Gross motor skills: Your complete guide to understanding these movements in your growing child

Here's everything you need to know about gross motor skills when it comes to your growing baby or toddler.
Spinach puree for baby

How to make spinach puree in 20 minutes

A spinach puree holds a plethora of vitamins to feed and nourish your baby. Here's an easy way to make a spinach puree for your baby in under 20 minutes.
Mother holding a sleeping baby near a crib.

4 of the best ways to get your sleeping baby to the crib

It's not always easy to get your sleeping baby to the crib. We list a few suggestions that may help you do so successfully
A parent dressing their baby

Here’s our temperature guide for dressing babies in both cold and warm weather

Not sure how to get your baby dressed for the weather? We can help you with our temperature guide for warm or cold weather conditions.
Four babies sitting together at daycare.

Are all babies born with blue eyes? We have the answers

Are all babies born with blue eyes? Every single one? Here is the answer to this color-coded question of what color eyes a baby is born with.
Parents smiling while holding newborn

Bizzare behavior alert: Your baby constantly kicking legs and moving arms is actually totally normal

A baby constantly kicking legs and moving arms could seem a little strange, but it's normal. Here are other bizarre baby behaviors you may see your newborn do.
Pregnant mom making a list of boy names

From Emerson to Jagger, here are some top rare boy names to consider for you little bundle

What are the best rare boy names and what do they mean? Here are the top unique baby boy names.
Infant boy sleeping on bed.

6 sleep training methods that all new parents should know

If you need a hand putting your baby down to bed at night, here are the sleep training methods all parents need to know.
Woman making a heart with hands over Post partum belly

100 popular baby names that mean love

If you're looking for names that mean love for your baby, we've got your go-to list that spans the globe.
Mom spoon-feeding baby food,

Baby feeding chart: An age-by-age guide

Here is a baby feeding chart by age so you know where your little one is and where they will go next.
Row of babies sitting in diapers

The best boy baby names that begin with the letter A

A selection of modern and traditional boys' names that begin with the letter A.
Baby names

Need baby name inspo? These royal names are classic

If you're looking for some inspiration for the perfect name for baby, how about going classic with royal names?
A baby sleeping in a sleep sack.

The 5-month-old sleep schedule every new parent needs

Transitioning your baby to a nighttime sleep routine is not as hard as you think especially with our 5-month-old sleep schedule.
Toddler with teeth missing

This is when kids start and stop losing baby teeth

Teething is a major stage in your kids' development — learn about when it all happens, and how to soothe the process.
Baby doing tummy time

When do babies roll over (and what should you be doing to help)?

Rolling over is a huge baby milestone, so when do babies start rolling over and what can parents do to help encourage it?
Smiling baby in high chair holding a carrot

8 best solid foods to start your baby on

Starting your baby on their solid food journey with vegetables like squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach presents a healthy option along with fruits.
Four babies at daycare

How to choose childcare for infants: 6 things to consider

Looking for childcare is stressful, no matter your reasons for needing it. Here's how to choose childcare for infants that will put parents at ease.
Woman holding a baby.

The 4-month-old milestones every parent should know

As you and your baby continue to get to know each other, these are the 4-month-old milestones to celebrate with your family.
Gender-neutral gift ideas for a baby shower

Not sure what to write in a baby shower card? We’ve got you covered

Thinking of something inspiring, sweet, or funny can be tough, so if you need ideas for what to write in a baby shower card, get your pen ready.
Baby girl with a "hello my name sign is" on her onesie

80 incredible, unique baby names

If you're searching for unique baby names for your little one, we've got 80 distinctive baby names you'll want to add to your list.
A baby playing with the mobile above their crib

These are the best boy middle names for your baby

Go bold, classic, or a little weird, but look at these boy middle names for your little one if you get stuck.
Toddler boy being fed green beans

How to make baby food with green beans in less than 10 minutes

Make green beans for baby in as little as 10 minutes with these recipes.
Pregnant woman on a bed.

Everything you want to know about fraternal twins

Think you might be carrying fraternal twins? Understand how your pregnancy will go and what it means to have this set of multiples.