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Tips to transition your toddler from a bottle to a sippy cup

The joy of every parent is to see their little ones grow and achieve new feats. Each milestone comes with a period of transition, however, and the eating and drinking habits are no different. As your child gets older, you’ll need to transition your toddler from a bottle to a sippy cup. At times, you might struggle to break the bond between your toddler and their ever-favorite bottle. Nonetheless, we have provided some important reasons for this switch over to a toddler sippy cup along with helpful tips to make the transition easier.

Why do you need to transition your toddler from a bottle to a sippy cup

Many pediatricians recommend that you take your toddler off the bottle before they reach 18 months old. There are several health-related reasons why you should switch your toddler from a bottle to a sippy cup including:

  • A link between long-term usage of a bottle and obesity.
  • Tooth decay brought on from prolonged exposure to the sugar in milk.
  • Ear Infections caused by bacterial growth that originates in the esophagus and travels up to the eustachian tube while your baby is laying down and taking a bottle.
  • A crooked smile from the sucking action

As you can see, the transition proves to be quite necessary. However, the process might not be so difficult with a little bit of perseverance and patience.

little girl drinking from a sippy cup in a highchair
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Tips for incorporating the toddler sippy cup

The transition to the toddler sippy cup looks a bit different for every child. For some, the change in containers doesn’t pose any problems. For others, the switch from the bottle, especially at night, poses a challenge. So here are some tips for you to try as your toddler phases out the bottle and starts using the sippy cup.

Start early with milk

You can start the toddler sippy cup transition as early as when you introduce solid foods right around 6 to 9 months. Since some children start drinking other liquids at this age, you can introduce the sippy cup with water. However, breastmilk or formula might work best for this transition because of the child’s familiarity with those liquids. Plus, babies often associate those liquids with comfort, so commencing with those options—as opposed to a whole new substance and flavor—would make the change go more smoothly.

Also, don’t get discouraged if your child takes just a few sips and then pushes the cup away. The experience is entirely new for your toddler. Therefore, time and patience are most important.

Fast or gradual: choose the best route

Should you wean your child from the bottle slowly or go “cold turkey?” While you are getting ready to transition your toddler from a bottle to a sippy cup, consider staying with one option or the other. If you wean a younger toddler or baby, you won’t rush the process. Rather, you’ll advance slowly by taking out the afternoon bottle and replacing it with a sippy cup. As your toddler progresses, you can replace the morning bottle with the cup as well. Lastly, the key to making this process work is to make sure the night-time bottle is the last one to go.

Conversely, the cold turkey method proves to be the fastest but often the most difficult. This might be why this option would work best for toddlers as opposed to 6-month-old babies. If your child is old enough to understand, you’ll start by explaining that they’re on their last day of using bottles, and tomorrow, he or she will now use a sippy cup for the same milk that’s been provided all along. However, if you’re still not ready for the “all or nothing” approach, you can offer your toddler water in a bottle or milk in the cup as a choice. When this occurs, they’ll gravitate toward milk more often.

Little boy wearing a blue towel and drinking from a sippy cup
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Make the sippy cup appealing

Likewise, talking up the possibility of using a “big kid” cup goes a long way leading up to the transition. When you explain what is about to happen and how the toddler sippy cup eventually leads to using a regular cup or glass like the grown-ups (or older siblings), your child will become more excited about this milestone. You can also give them a lot of encouragement and cheer them on each time they use the sippy cup.

In addition to the verbal perks, you can also choose a cup that has their favorite character on it or their favorite animal. A pleasing visual might encourage your toddler to adopt this container as his or her favorite cup.

Finally, you’ll need to make the cup as user-friendly as possible. By removing the valve that prevents spills, you’ll also make it easier for your child to get a drink. Nothing can turn off a toddler more than the frustration from not being able to take a sip.

The last and probably most vital tip to remember is consistency. The important factor of a successful transition is to follow through with the process. If you remain consistent even when the transition to a toddler sippy cup seems tough, you and your little one will reap the benefits of going bottle-free. Over time, you’ll transition your toddler from a bottle to a sippy cup while promoting your child’s confidence and enjoyment at meal and snack times.

Leslie Anderson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Leslie Anderson is a freelance writer/writing coach from Roswell, N.M. She enjoys gardening, cooking, and helping students…
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A mother watching her baby sleep in their crib.

A good night's sleep is hard to get when you have a baby. So, when your little one starts sleeping for longer stretches, and dare we say through the night, it is a cause for concern. Not many parents may have heard of 4-month sleep regression, even though they may be experiencing it. Four-month sleep regression is perfectly normal and happens to some little ones around the 3- to 4-month mark. Of course, when baby isn't sleeping, neither is anyone else in the house. Here's everything you need to know about 4-month sleep regression, including when your baby will start going down for the night once again.

A guide to 4-month sleep regression
By the time babies are 2 to 3 months old, they typically sleep for 5 or 6 hours stretches. By 4 months, babies can sleep through the night without being fed. Whether a baby does depends on the child. Most babies will sleep for that heavenly stretch of 7 to 8 hours by the 4-month mark. If your kiddo has been snoozing for a solid 8 hours at night and has suddenly stopped, you could be dealing with 4-month sleep regression.
What is 4-month sleep regression?
When babies around the age of 3 to 4 months start having trouble sleeping through the night again, it could be a sleep regression period. Regression means to revert or go back to a previous pattern. This is what happens with sleep regression. Babies begin to have trouble falling or staying asleep at night and during their usual naptimes, regressing to those short intervals of slumber you thought had gone by the wayside.
When can 4-month sleep regression occur?
Despite the name, 4-month sleep regression can happen at any time. This change in sleep pattern typically happens to babies at around the 3- to 4-month mark.
How long does 4-month sleep regression last?
It may seem like ages, but 4-month sleep regression doesn't usually hang around for long. Provided parents make an effort to keep baby's sleep routine consistent, 4-month sleep regression lingers for around two weeks.
What causes 4-month sleep regression?
Since most parents want to avoid any interruption in the much-needed good night's sleep in the household, it's important to understand why this sleep regression happens in the first place to babies happily sleeping through the night. As infants, babies don't have a sleep and a wake cycle. They pretty much sleep when they want and wake when they're hungry or need a diaper change. When babies reach the 4-month mark, they begin to understand the sleep/wake cycle. They snooze longer at night and take fewer naps during the daytime. It's this important developmental adjustment that can actually interrupt their newfound sleep pattern.

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Baby in highchair eating avocado puree.

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Avocados earned that superfood tag because they contain 20 vitamins and minerals, including folate, potassium, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K, plus several variants of vitamin B. They're also packed with protein and fiber and don't contain cholesterol or sodium. Avocados are very low in saturated fat, too. Babies need omega-3 fatty acids to promote brain and eye development. Avocados are one of the fattiest plant foods and are a great source of oleic acid. Oleic acid is an important omega-3 that's also found in olive oil.

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