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6 fun water games for 8-year-olds when you don’t have a pool

Water games to keep your kids entertained, no pool needed!

Boy wearing long shirt jumping in the water.
frank mckenna / Unsplash

Kids love spending the day outdoors, especially during summer vacation, but that isn’t always easy to do when the temperature starts to rise.  They also love playing with water, and even if you don’t have a pool in your backyard, that doesn’t mean the kiddos have to spend the day indoors in air conditioning to beat the heat. There are fun water games for kids that can be played without an in-ground or above-ground swimming pool.

Eight-year-olds love to play, and summer vacation is the ideal time for laid-back afternoons in the backyard because not every day can be an outing to the beach or a public pool. Try these six water games – no pool required! All kids need to play with are water balloons, squirt toys, and a hose. A portable blow-up baby pool is ideal to have on hand, too, to fill up those squirty toys and play these splashy games earmarked for summer.

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Water balloon toss

filled water balloons ready for summer day
Smiltena / Shutterstock

Dollar stores are a one-stop shop for inexpensive water balloons. Stock up for summer so there are always plenty on hand for when the kiddos are bored and hot. A water balloon toss is an easy way for kids to have fun and cool off without a pool. Fill up a large number of water balloons. Using rapid-fill, bunch-to-fill self-sealing water balloons saves parents and caregivers a great deal of prep time.

The rapid-fill bunch allows adults to quickly fill multiple water balloons. Arrange kids in groups of two. Partners should face each other and start out close together to begin tossing. After each toss and catch, the partners take a step back. The farther the pair separates, the more likely the water balloons will pop and get the participants wet.

Water balloon fight

Kids throwing water balloons at each other in the backyard
caseyjadew / Shutterstock

Make a big bucket of rapid-fill water balloons and divide the number of kids into two teams. Split the water balloons in half, and it’s on. The kids can have a lot of fun trying to get each other with water balloons. Be sure to set ground rules before the fight begins. Heads are typically off-limits as a target, and nothing good ever comes from kids running in flip-flops. Bare feet are a better choice. The round ends when the ammunition is gone.

Sprinkler tag

Toddler on lawn running past sprinkler
MI PHAM / Unsplash

Sprinklers are a wonderful way to let eight-year-olds have fun in the sun while giving the lawn water, too. Instead of a conventional sprinkler, pick up one specifically designed for play instead of watering grass. Combine tag, which is a kid’s favorite, with the sprinklers. Kids can play regular tag or freeze tag in the sprinkler. This is a great game because kids are running around while getting cooled off in the steady stream of water.

Water blaster fight

Kids playing with squirt guns in the yard
Sergey Novikov / Shutterstock

Like a water balloon fight, kids can have the same kind of fun getting each other wet by racing around the yard with water blasters and soakers. Like water balloon fights, remind the participants that heads are off-limits because not everyone appreciates getting his or her face wet. Another way to use water blasters and soakers is to have kids use them to hit specific targets like beach balls or trees.

Wet potato

water balloon fight
Halfpoint / Shutterstock

Hot potato is a common classroom or camp game. Adapt the classic game for summer by using a water balloon as the hot potato. When the music stops, the child holding the balloon gets to break it on a person on either side. Don’t let the kids break balloons over each other’s heads to avoid tears and hurt feelings. The back, legs, and arms are perfect picks for popping water balloons on.

Water ball

Sister and brother having fun playing with backyard sprinkler
FamVeld / Shutterstock

A cool way to bring water into backyard games is with water bomb splash balls. Fill up a bucket with water, drop in the water bomb splash balls, and let them soak up the refreshing water. Then, let kids have fun with the splash balls using them in traditional backyard games like Wiffle ball and catch. Since the balls are wet, kids will be able to get cooled off. Whenever the water bomb needs a refill, toss it in the bucket or baby pool.

Other backyard ways to beat the heat

Toddler in big plastic bucket splashing water
Lubomirkin / Unsplash

One simple way for kids to get wet is by attaching a beach ball sprinkler and letting them run in and out of it until they need a drink break. Another is to attach the backyard hose to a splash pad. If the backyard already has a trampoline, toss some water balloons in there for a refreshing jump, but only do this if the sprinkler has a net, and limit the number of kiddos jumping to avoid accidents.

Keeping cool is important!

Kids enjoying a vacation in the water.
Yulianto Poitier / Pexels

Playing with water is fun, but it’s also a great way to keep your kids safe during those hot, dog days of summer. According to the AAP, temperatures at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit can pose a significant health risk, making it important to keep kids cool when the mercury soars.

Not only can the heat make your child cranky, but it can also cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke. Water games are a great way to keep your little ones safe and cool while still enjoying some time outdoors. The summer is the ideal time to let your kids get outside and have some fun, even without a backyard pool!

When the temperatures rise, kids want to get wet. Don’t worry if your backyard doesn’t have a pool. Parents don’t have to wait for an invite to a friend’s pool for the kids to cool off or join an expensive pool club. With a stockpile of water balloons, water bomb splash balls, water blasters, or soakers, along with the backyard hose, parents and caregivers have a recipe for fun water games for kids that make for a splashy blast.

Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller began her professional life as an elementary school teacher before returning to her first love, writing. In…
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Thankfully, the key is to keep the kids occupied. Of course, there are electronic diversions like iPads and streaming movies or listening to podcasts, but part of the fun of a road trip is car games. Remember those road trip games when you were a kid? Road trip games for kids are a perfect pick to help pass the time as the miles roll by and get them more invested in looking out the window to get a glimpse of the areas you're passing through. Sure, a rousing game of punch buggy is exciting, but the contact part will lead to tears and arguments.

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Too cold to swim? 9 out-of-water games to play with pool noodles
These budget-friendly pool toys have many different uses
Smiling boy swimming with pool noodle

If you own a pool, chances are you have a bunch of pool noodles hanging around. These inexpensive pool staples are the brainchild of Canadian Richard Koster. Pool noodles are used by children and adults in pools across the globe when learning to swim. Pool noodles are also utilized to float on while relaxing in the water and for games. The inexpensive backyard accessory typically gets a lot of action during the summer months, but it heads to the curb when it's time to close up the pool for the season.

Before tossing the pool noodles out after a long season of play, think about keeping them around, especially if there’s a backyard party coming up. There are a lot of fun games to play with pool noodles. This budget-friendly pool toy can be used for a variety of indoor and outdoor games at home, in the classroom, or at camp. Pool noodles are so versatile you might want to have a bunch on hand even if you don’t have a pool. We’ve got in here the top nine water-free backyard activities for kids. These will keep them engaged and excited on sunny or rainy days.
So many fun games

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These funny jokes for 6- to 7-year-olds will be a hit with kids
Get the whole family laughing with these funny jokes for kids
Grandpa and grandson laughing at a knock-knock joke

We all love a good joke, especially kids. Nothing gets the family sharing a few belly laughs more than a well-timed joke delivered by your favorite little person. Kids love to make people laugh with jokes, but if your repertoire only consists of groan-inducing dad jokes or those that are a little too mature for your kids, you may need some help. We've compiled a list of some of the best funny jokes for your 6-7-year-olds that are sure to be a hit with kids and adults alike.
Age-appropriate jokes for your kids

What did one toilet say to the other?
You look a bit flushed. -- Because nothing is funnier to kids than bathroom humor!
What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?
A spelling bee!
How do you know when the moon has had enough to eat?
When it’s full!
Why can’t Elsa from Frozen have a balloon?
Because she will "let it go, let it go."
What do you call a cold dog?
A chili dog.
Why did the superhero flush the toilet?
Because it was his doody.
What did one hat say to the other?
You wait here — I'll go on ahead!
What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!
Why couldn’t the pony sing?
Because she was a little hoarse.
Why are balloons so expensive?
Because of inflation!
What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes
Why is Superman’s outfit always so tight on him?
Because it’s a size S!
Where do cows go for fun?
The moo-vies.
Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
It was feeling crummy.
Why didn't the melons get married?
Because they cantaloupe!
What do you call a pig that knows karate?
A pork chop!
What did the right eye say to the left eye?
Between us, something smells.
Why did the teacher wear his sunglasses to class?
Because his students were so bright.
Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
In case he got a hole-in-one.
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7, 8, 9!
Why did the math book look so sad?
Because of all its problems.
Why did the student eat his homework?
Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake.
Who did the zombie take to the dance?
His ghoul-friend
How does the ocean say hello?
It waves.
Where do you find a dog with no legs?
Right where you left him!
Why is it so easy to fool Dracula?
He's a sucker.
What did Venus say to Saturn?
Give me a ring sometime.

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