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Be prepared for your baby’s 9-month checkup with these tips

Taking your baby to a checkup can be a cute and fun experience. You get to see if your little one gained any weight and how tall they got. What you don’t get prepped for is that it also means your baby is going to get stuck with a needle (or two or three depending on the visit) and will scream at you for the rest of the day for what you did.

Making sure you take your baby to all of their wellness checkups is important. The doctor will be able to tell if anything seems off or wrong quicker if they have seen the baby for all of their regular checkups along the way. If this is your first baby, you’ll get the reassurance that everything is fine and your baby is healthy. But what actually happens? Do babies get shots at 9 months? Let’s see what happens during baby checkups and how to be prepared for it.

The easy stuff

There are some fun things that happen at normal baby checkups:

  • Check weight/height/head size
  • See what milestones baby has hit
  • Get to brag about baby’s development

It’s always exciting to find out how much weight baby gained. It’s like a cute little competition to see how big your butterball is getting.

There are always the assessment questions that are interesting to see where your baby is.

This is also the time to brag on your baby. Are they already trying to walk? Have they already said some words instead of baby babble? Go ahead, show off your little one.

Baby first-aid kit with stuffed bear
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The delicate stuff

There are a few things that will make this visit a little stressful on you and baby:

  • Catch up on any missed vaccines
  • Blood test
  • Flu shot if it’s that season

If you missed any previous visits for any reason and couldn’t get a certain vaccine done, then this is the catch-up visit. You wouldn’t normally get any shots this visit, so it’s the time to get caught up.

Your little one is going to get a prick no matter what, though. The blood test to check for lead and anemia is this visit. It’s less stressful than getting shots, but still a not-so-fun thing for baby.

If it is flu season, your doctor will ask about getting the flu shot. We won’t get into the flu shot debate, but know that your doctor will ask if you ever have a visit of any kind during that season.

What you can do to be prepared

Every visit has its own specific goal. The doctor and nurse have their own goal for that visit. But you should always come prepared, as well. Make a list if you think you might forget once you are in the room:

  • Write down your questions
  • Write down any concerns
  • Have the rest of the day free if baby needs shots
  • Have baby pain medicine at home
  • Bring extra diapers/wipes/clothes
  • Make sure you schedule the 12-month visit before you leave

Always write your questions and concerns down. You say you’ll remember, yet in the rush of things something might slip from your mind. Anything you want to talk to your doctor about your baby, now is the time. No matter how little it might seem, it’s better to ask and get an answer than to worry about it until their 1-year checkup.

If your baby is getting any shots or vaccines, it’s good to have some baby pain relief at home, so you don’t have to stop on the way. Not every baby needs it, but it’s always best to have some just in case. Even if your baby didn’t need any after their last round of shots, this time could be different. You don’t want a cranky, screaming baby for the next few days.

Always, and we mean always, make sure you have extra diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes. You have to undress your baby for the checkup and take the diaper off for weighing. You never know when a baby is going to decide to do their business. It’s better to be prepared. Yes, your baby’s doctor will have extra diapers for accidents, but if your baby has sensitive skin or you want to look like you have your life together, bring your own.

Most receptionists are great about scheduling your next appointment before you leave. But some aren’t. Make sure you don’t leave before you have that appointment. If you forget, you might not remember until after the next milestone, and the doctor might be fully booked. Plus, if you forget, you know you won’t call them later, so make the appointment before you walk out.

Make it fun

Female pediatrician examines a baby
Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock

Whether it’s your first baby or your fourth, checkups can be stressful if you make them that way. Your baby will feed off you at the doctor’s office. Try to make it as pleasant as you can so your baby doesn’t worry.

Maybe take your baby out for some one-on-one time after. Or take the rest of the day off and have playtime at home and do whatever baby wants. These checkups are important. The 9-month baby checkup is the last one before the big first birthday, which will bring its own set of ups and downs. You are doing great parents, keep it up!

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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What age your baby will sit up

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Because baby sat up once, doesn't mean they're a pro
We aren't saying that by 7 months, your bundle will sit all day long and never topple over. But you will see your baby get stronger and more confident and be able to sit for longer periods of time. You'll still see a bit of bobbing around, a leaning tower of baby, and possible faceplants here and there. By 9 months old, they should be able to sit up the majority of the time without needing you to adjust them.
Why it matters that baby can sit up
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If you love all things fantasy -- from books and movies to video games and beyond, you may have considered a fantasy-inspired girl name for your baby. Thanks to the emerging popularity of this genre, fantasy names are becoming more and more common. Consider names like Arya, which took off after the premiere of Game of Thrones, or Arwen, which was popularized by J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings series. Names from fantasy books and movies can be an endless list to choose from.

If you've been thinking of a fantasy girl name for your little one, you have a lot of choices. We've compiled a list of nine beautiful fantasy girl names for your baby that are out of this world and that can help you narrow down your options.
Meaning "dawn," Aurora is well known for being Sleeping Beauty's given name. It is also the name of the mystical aurora borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights, which much of the U.S. was able to witness recently.
The name alone evokes images of fair maidens and fantastical settings and was also the name of King Arthur's Queen. The name was often translated into Jennifer, but we think Guinevere is a beautiful option for someone looking for a fantasy-inspired name.
From Latin meaning "youthful" or "queen of the gods," this name would be ideal for any little girl. Despite the name being around for centuries, it has grown in popularity over the last two decades or so.
A fantastical take on the traditional Sarah, Seraphine is less common than Seraphina, which is also a stunning name option, making it a great name choice for those who want something unique but not unheard of.
Another name popularized in The Lord of the Rings books, Eowyn, pronounced "ay-oh-wyn" is a nontraditional name rooted in the fantasy genre.
Another name that gained attention is Melisandre, which is of Old German and Old French origin and means strong in work and brave strength. The fantasy series Game of Thrones featured a character named Melisandre.
Fans of the 1988 movie Willow will recognize the name Sorsha as the name of the princess in the film. Meaning "bright" or "freedom," this is a beautiful fantasy name for a girl.
Evoking images of royalty, Dauphine is the name you're looking for if you want a fantasy name with some French flavor.
Give your little girl the moon with the name Luna, the choice of Chrissy Teigen and John Legend for their eldest daughter.

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