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Don’t forget these amazing accessories for your newborn

Nothing brings more excitement than bringing your newborn home. This is evident in your nesting instinct kicking in during the last trimester. You’re suddenly picking adorable little clothes and shoes, shopping for nursery decor, and of course, you’re rushing to choose the perfect baby blanket and buying all the other cute newborn accessories. You just want to make your little one happy and comfortable.

The funny thing is that no matter how much you try, you might not feel fully prepared when your child finally arrives. While there are key necessities that you should consider, there are so many other items as well that would come in handy for the baby or the nursery. So, we have provided some of the newborn-baby necessities to look out for as you go shopping for your bundle of joy.

Boppy Pillow for added support

If there was ever a miracle of a product, it would be the Boppy Pillow. Whether you’re nursing or bottle-feeding, this cushion adds a couple of inches of height to your lap, so you don’t have to slouch down while feeding your baby. It also gives some much-needed support to your baby’s back to allow for feeding in the almost-upright position that cuts down on the chances of getting gas.

Another advantage to the Boppy is that you can lay your baby on his or their tummy with the arms over the pillow for the necessary tummy time. Or if you lay the baby on his or her back in the middle of the pillow, the upright position “teaches” him or her how to eventually sit up.

Newborn baby necessities for feeding

Another important set of newborn-baby accessories includes all the necessary gear for mealtime. And we have found some useful items that promote convenience and proper feeding for your baby that include:

  • The Haakaa Breast Pump — it has a compact, easy-to-use design; it’s also compact enough to carry in the diaper bag on the go.
  • The Baby Brezza One-Step Sterilizer and Dryer — this allows you to eliminate the boiling water and drying rack, since this handy contraption possesses two functions — sterilizing and drying. It also works for sterilizing parts of a breast pump.

With any of these products, you’re also looking at less stress and more bonding during feeding time.

Hands-free diaper disposal

Since its invention 30 years ago, the Diaper Genie has been eliminating odors and providing easy diaper disposal for countless parents. With its foot pedal, you won’t have to worry about tossing a messy diaper (while holding your tiny but wiggly baby) into the diaper pail and missing. You simply place the diaper in the opening and turn the lid. The best part about this feature is that the Diaper Genie traps odors, and with its built-in microbial, you won’t have to worry about germs.

Newborn baby necessities for clothing

Anticipating the clothing needs of your baby can be quite a challenge, especially for the first weeks. On Day 1 after birth, your little one is so tiny that he or she might not fit into the newborn sizes yet. Then, Day 5 arrives with a big surprise when suddenly, the newborn sizes have a rather snug fit.

Nonetheless, you will need some newborn-baby necessities from the smallest size to 3 months to start off your child’s wardrobe. Some of these items include:

  • One-piece sleepers
  • Bodysuits also known as “onesies”
  • Baby caps
  • Socks or booties
  • Blankets
  • Sweaters or a bunting outfit, depending on the weather
  • Soft daytime outfits

Basically, for the first few weeks, you’ll be “layering” when you dress your newborn and yet keeping them warm, protected, and comfortable at the same time. That explains the onesie and sleeper combo because newborns are too young to sleep with a blanket. At this point, blankets serve more of the purpose for swaddling when your baby needs some extra soothing.

Bathing and skin care

And of course, you can’t neglect Baby’s delicate skin, which requires a good amount of attention during the first few weeks. Some of the newborn baby necessities include:

  • A hooded towel
  • Body wash
  • Lotion specifically for babies
  • Soft brush and comb

As you can see, new parents have to be well-equipped for their baby’s arrival, but with this comprehensive list of newborn-baby accessories, you’ll get off to a great start with your new little bundle of joy.

Leslie Anderson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Leslie Anderson is a freelance writer/writing coach from Roswell, N.M. She enjoys gardening, cooking, and helping students…
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