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4 free apps that prevent your teenager from texting and driving

Teens learning to drive, eventually going out on their own with newly acquired licenses and adventures, can be a fantastic (and equally frantic) “rite of passage” moment for both teens and parents. This is a critical time in a teen’s journey. Learning vital life skills, improving overall driving performance and adapting to uncertain situations are but a few of the valuable lessons your teens will learn. It’s during this time that parents may want to discuss the dangers of teenagers texting and driving, and the consequences involved with committing such an offense.

Teens using cell phones is simply part of life in a digital world, or so it would seem. It’s how they stay connected to just about everything, including their parents. While having a charged, working cellphone when away from the house is an important thing, keeping your teen free of that distraction while driving can prove difficult with the same cell phone on their person. Before you send them off on their own, parents may want to consider adding a little extra security to their teen’s cellphones to monitor or deter them from using their phones while behind the wheel. If your teen is a new driver, and you’re looking for solutions to stop texting and driving, there are 4 excellent apps you can use in your efforts to keep your teen alert while driving.


4 Apps to Stop Teenagers From Texting and Driving

AT&T DriveMode

The first app on our list, AT&T DriveMode, is one of the most popular and most downloaded apps in its category. Keeping kids safe on the road is an important and key task for parents. It can, however, prove difficult to achieve if parents are not present while their teen is driving. Thanks to AT&T, your teen driver can now be completely distraction-free while behind the wheel. This free app — available to both iOS and Android users regardless of carrier — immediately goes into effect when the car begins to move. The app silences all incoming calls and notifications, and it conveniently auto-responds to text messages with an automated response notifying the sender that the receiver is currently driving safely and will respond once they reach their destination.


For teens who may need a little extra protection or who may balk at the idea of a driving app being installed on their device, Lifesaver may be the appropriate app. Lifesaver requires nothing more than an installation on your teen’s phone, so there’s no logging in before each use. This easy-to-use, user-friendly, free app blocks phone usage while driving is detected. Once the driver reaches their destination and the car stops moving, the app will automatically unlock and permit usage once again. Not only does this app deter teens from using their phones behind the wheel, but it also prevents parents and kids from distracting one another and alerts parents that their teen has safely arrived at their endpoint.

robin gentry/shutterstock


This free-to-use app, created by Verizon, allows parents the opportunity to safely monitor their child’s driving speed and pinpoint the vehicle’s exact location. HUM also provides roadside assistance, stolen vehicle response, as well as notifications of speeding, unsafe driving and detects possible crashes should they occur. Available as an OBD plug, free phone app or installed speaker, HUM is a great choice to monitor and track your vehicle’s location and speed, protecting your kids and yourselves. Additionally, you can track all driver history, and compare the diagnostics to determine overall safety performance.

Down For The Count

If your teen responds well to positive reinforcement, Down For The Count may be the perfect app to use in combatting the distractions of texting and driving. In less than 60 seconds, teens and parents can come up with a plan for distracted-free driving and a pretty sweet reward system once a goal of no-distraction driving is achieved. A sponsor is chosen – usually a parent or other family member – and a goal amount of time is chosen. If the driver earns the selected number of hours totally distraction-free while driving, the selected reward is earned and applied. Once installed, the app can be opened before the user leaves their starting point, and if the time spent behind the wheel is free of distractions, the user is awarded the amount of time spent driving. The app tracks the car’s movement and any phone usage and alerts the sponsor should the driver be tempted. Rewards include various digital gift cards.

Rob Marmion/shutterstock

From totally blocking usage to encouraging safe driving with rewards, this list of the top 4 favorite driving safety apps has something for everyone and every parent, no matter their child’s strengths or weaknesses. Distracted driving is unsafe and causes accidents – some of which can result in the loss of life. No parent wants to face the tragic consequences of unsafe driving, so encouraging teen drivers to put down their phones and pay attention to their surroundings could save a life or two, while tightening the bond between parent and child. Being open and honest with your kids about the dangers of distracted driving can open the doorway to other topics as well, so keep your ears open when your kids speak. And let them know it’s ok to put the phone down. No life is worth the risk.

Emily Pidgeon
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Emily's work has appeared in the Tube City Almanac, Tube City Online and our Affinity Sites. When she's not writing, she is…
What is 4-month sleep regression (and how to keep it from ruining your life)
Here's what you need to know if you're dealing with 4-month sleep regression
A mother watching her baby sleep in their crib.

A good night's sleep is hard to get when you have a baby. So, when your little one starts sleeping for longer stretches, and dare we say through the night, it is a cause for concern. Not many parents may have heard of 4-month sleep regression, even though they may be experiencing it. Four-month sleep regression is perfectly normal and happens to some little ones around the 3- to 4-month mark. Of course, when baby isn't sleeping, neither is anyone else in the house. Here's everything you need to know about 4-month sleep regression, including when your baby will start going down for the night once again.

A guide to 4-month sleep regression
By the time babies are 2 to 3 months old, they typically sleep for 5 or 6 hours stretches. By 4 months, babies can sleep through the night without being fed. Whether a baby does depends on the child. Most babies will sleep for that heavenly stretch of 7 to 8 hours by the 4-month mark. If your kiddo has been snoozing for a solid 8 hours at night and has suddenly stopped, you could be dealing with 4-month sleep regression.
What is 4-month sleep regression?
When babies around the age of 3 to 4 months start having trouble sleeping through the night again, it could be a sleep regression period. Regression means to revert or go back to a previous pattern. This is what happens with sleep regression. Babies begin to have trouble falling or staying asleep at night and during their usual naptimes, regressing to those short intervals of slumber you thought had gone by the wayside.
When can 4-month sleep regression occur?
Despite the name, 4-month sleep regression can happen at any time. This change in sleep pattern typically happens to babies at around the 3- to 4-month mark.
How long does 4-month sleep regression last?
It may seem like ages, but 4-month sleep regression doesn't usually hang around for long. Provided parents make an effort to keep baby's sleep routine consistent, 4-month sleep regression lingers for around two weeks.
What causes 4-month sleep regression?
Since most parents want to avoid any interruption in the much-needed good night's sleep in the household, it's important to understand why this sleep regression happens in the first place to babies happily sleeping through the night. As infants, babies don't have a sleep and a wake cycle. They pretty much sleep when they want and wake when they're hungry or need a diaper change. When babies reach the 4-month mark, they begin to understand the sleep/wake cycle. They snooze longer at night and take fewer naps during the daytime. It's this important developmental adjustment that can actually interrupt their newfound sleep pattern.

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Christmas crafts tools

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A mother talking to her teenage son while sitting on the couch.

If you survived the toddler years, you will survive the teenage years. Trust us. Teenagers are like toddlers — they know how to push your buttons and love to test their boundaries. It's in the teen handbook and comes with the territory of growing up and becoming independent. As we all do sometimes, teens make mistakes along the way. As a parent, it's important to make sure your teen is being smart, safe, and respectful while navigating their way through adolescence. If that isn't the case, you might turn to a list of punishments for teenagers that fit the behavior.

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