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Your teen got a job interview. Now, what to wear?

Should teens dress to impress for a job interview?

teen handing in a job application
SDI Productions / Getty Images

They say you should dress for the job you want, not the job you have, but does that apply to teenagers? With summer vacation approaching many teens will be eagerly (or not so eagerly) submitting job applications and resumes with the hopes of landing a summer job. First impressions matter, and so does what your teen wears to their job interview, regardless of what the job is for.

While most prospective employers aren’t expecting a young person to show up in a business suit, what a teenager wears to a job interview can tell a hiring manager a lot about them, so it’s important to pay attention to the details. If your teen has a job interview, here are some tips and tricks on what they should wear to help them make the best first impression possible.

What should I wear to a job interview as a teenager?

young teen girl at job interview
sturti / Getty Images

Regardless of where a teen is interviewing for a job — whether it’s a local fast-food place or the front desk at a local business — being prepared for the job interview and looking professional tells a prospective employer that you care about the job and put an effort into how you look for the interview.

Suits aren’t necessary, but khakis, dress pants, or dark jeans paired with a button-down, polo shirt, or blouse are great options for teens interviewing for a job. According to Indeed, “overdressing is usually not frowned upon in a professional setting,” so if you wanted to wear a tie, a blazer, or even a suit, you definitely can. It’s important that teens know that paying attention to their wardrobe for their interview shows maturity and eagerness to earn the role they’re interviewing for.

What should I not wear to a job interview as a teenager?

High school students getting ready to check out colleges
carballo / Shutterstock

While teens may have to work with what they have in their closet, there are some things they should bypass when picking out an interview outfit. The Balance Careers warns teens to avoid going too casual for a job interview. Avoid wearing cutoffs or jeans with rips and holes, no hoodies or sweatshirts, and try to avoid casual shoes like flip-flops and sneakers. Ball caps or any type of hats and athletic wear, such as jerseys, should also be avoided, as should any excessive jewelry that could become a distraction during an interview.

You also want to ensure your clothes are well fitted, meaning nothing too tight or low cut and nothing too loose or baggy. Teens should also keep their phones tucked away and have them on silent or fully turned off during a job interview.

How do teens do well in a job interview?

teen at job interview
SolStock / Getty Images

There are many ways teens can help themselves to stand out in a job interview. Indeed recommends researching the job and company ahead of time can help you be prepared for any questions you may be asked during the interview process. They also suggest teens memorize their resumes and do a few practice interviews with family and friends before the official interview.

Live Career recommends teens know their availability before they attend their interview so they can clearly articulate to the employer the hours they’re available to work. They need to take into account any extracurricular activities and school responsibilities before committing to any schedule. Teens should also be familiar with the current minimum wage and have realistic expectations surrounding salary.

Questions are an integral part of any interview so The Muse suggests teens practice answers for some commonly asked questions (tell me about yourself, and what are your strengths and weaknesses?) as well as preparing a few questions of their own. This kind of dialogue allows a teen to showcase their talents and eagerness to work while also showing real interest in their prospective job and employers.

Almost all experts suggest that you write a quick thank you note after your interview. In most cases, a quick email to thank them for their time and consideration is enough, while a handwritten note may be a better option for the more traditional workplace. The note should be sent within 24 hours of the interview, and it “should be simple and error-free.”

When should your teen apply for a summer job?

Teen working as a barista
Lyubov Levitskaya / Shutterstock

If your teen is looking to be employed during the summer, don’t wait until school is out to start the application process. Ideally, teens should begin submitting applications starting in April. This gives prospective employers enough time to review the application and begin the interview process so once school is finished their summer employees are ready to begin.

Waiting until school is out to start the application process may result in many job vacancies already being filled or not being fully trained and ready to work until well into their summer vacation. By submitting applications in April, prospective employers are given enough time to conduct interviews and training so teens are ready to begin as soon as school lets out for the summer.

Getting a job is a big step for teens. They earn their own money while learning responsibility, dependability, and other life skills that will help them as they get older. Being prepared for an interview, including looking neat and presentable is one of the first steps in securing a job that will allow them to earn not only some cash but a lot of independence too.

Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
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