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Be the cool mom with these 3 stylish outfit ideas

Moms can still have style, regardless of age or how many kids you’ve wrangled in the past (or are currently wrangling). When it’s time to skip the typical mom fashion of yoga pants for the day and trade out your T-shirts for something a little more stylish, you don’t need to look very far to find fashionable outfit ideas that are also functional enough to meet your needs — after all, few moms can run after a screaming toddler in sky-high heels.

Check out these stylish mom-outfits ideas for your next parent-teacher meeting, girls’ night, date night, or simply a trip out to the grocery store when you want to look a little more put together.

Mom with baby on couch
Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock

Opt for a one-piece outfit 

When it comes to styling outfits as a mom, easy is the way to go, but easy doesn’t necessarily have to mean sloppy. Add a one-piece outfit to your wardrobe — a sweater dress, sun dress, jumpsuit, etc.

You’ll easily have a quick, no-brainer, and go-to outfit in your closet that requires minimal styling. Plus, if you go with a dress option, you’ll have a roomier fit that you may appreciate if you’re expecting another child (or just in general).

Since there’s only one piece to your outfit, there’s no worry of finding a clean and matching bottom or top; just add some shoes and maybe some accessories if you feel like it, and you’re good to head out the door. 

Put together an outfit from high-quality basics for an upscale look without a ton of effort 

There are a few basic items that you can add to any outfit and instantly be rewarded with a more upscale look — nice jeans in a current cut and wash, a designer bag, or statement shoes, to name a few. Invest in a few of these high-quality basics that you can add on to any outfit when you want to look a little more put together. Even yoga pants can be enhanced when you’re also wearing a nice jacket and some high-end shoes, à la Gigi Hadid.

The key is to know where to look for these high-quality basics and what brands, cuts, and styles you should go with, but an easy search through your favorite fashion magazine or blogs can often tell you. 

mom shopping with kids
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Find your uniform 

There’s nothing wrong with wearing the same thing all the time — so long as you do it right. What would you consider your ideal “uniform” — the outfit that you go back to time and time again, anytime you want to both look nice and feel confident and comfortable? Maybe it’s a pair of black trousers with a matching black sweater and slacks; maybe it’s a pair of nice jeans with a sleek turtleneck and blazer.

Whatever your “uniform,” start building your closet and your outfits around it. If you really love that particular outfit, buy more clothing items that can build very similar outfits. If your closet is filled with black slacks because you love them, that’s fine! 

Once you have a uniform established, you’ll find that throwing together outfits becomes as easy as going to your closet and picking just about any top and bottom and pairing them with the right shoes and accessories. Shopping becomes easier, as well, as you’re no longer flipping randomly through clothing racks. You’ll know exactly what you want and need, before you even set foot in the store. 

Striking the right balance of self-care and just plain getting things done 

Putting effort into your appearance and clothing choices as a mom can be a great form of self-care and do wonders for your mental health, but don’t let it become just another thing to check off your to-do list, adding to your stress. Especially for newer moms, getting dressed up simply isn’t always an option; there are too many other stressors and things to worry about.

When it comes to fashion, as a mom, make sure to keep things enjoyable and stress-free, whatever that looks like for you. After all, your family will always love you no matter what you’re wearing.

Holly Riddle
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Holly Riddle is a freelance food, travel and lifestyle journalist, who also dabbles in copywriting, ghostwriting and fiction…
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Things to think about
When it comes to choosing your grandma name there are a few things you may want to consider, just like when you would consider naming your children. Do you love the name, or is it something that you think you may grow out of? Is it a name that's easy to pronounce, especially for children? Do you want your grandma name to reflect your culture or heritage or to honor someone special in your own life? Are there surviving great-grandparents and you want to avoid using the same name? These are all factors to consider when choosing what you want your grandchildren to call you. If you're looking to update your grandma name or are simply looking for something more unique than the traditional monikers we all know, here are 8 fantastic ideas for your consideration.
Do you love the idea of the name "Nanny" but feel that you'd like something a bit more youthful and fun? Nan is a great alternative and is certain to be easy for your grandchild to pronounce.
For the non-traditional grandmother who loves the glamorous life, Glamma is the perfect nickname!
The Kardashian grandkids call their beloved grandmother, Kris Jenner, Lovey. In an interview with PEOPLE in 2013 Kris explained how the name came about. "They call me Lovey. At first, I was Grandma, and all of a sudden I didn't like the way that sounded." She went on to add "My mom had a friend called Lovey and I thought that was the cutest name." We must admit, we love Lovey!
Lola is a commonly used name for grandma in the Phillippines and is becoming increasingly popular for anyone who is looking for a sweet and modern nickname.
A common practice for modern grandparents is to take the first initial of their name and use it to create a nickname. For those who want a more simplistic approach, many use the "G" from grandma to create the nickname Gigi. It's cute, modern, and feels younger than grandma.
Like Gigi, creating a nickname using a duplicate sound based on your first initial or syllable in your name is a popular choice. Whether you choose Kiki, Fifi, Bibi, Leelee, Lala, or something similar, this is a great way to create your personalized grandma name.
If you love the idea of something more traditional yet would like to add a modern twist, Gran is a simple yet sweet name to be called.
Opt for something fun and modern with the name G-ma instead of grandma.

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