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Do 3-year-olds still need naps?

Oh, that special age. Three years old. We are past the “terrible twos,” and now we have a “threenager.” They are adorable and can be sassy, learning to come into their own with their own personalities. But as they are growing, some things begin to fall by the wayside — they may stop walking around with a special blanket or choose different toys to play with. The same goes for milestones, as well. Do they still need to take naps? Do we let them stay up all day long now? These are all great questions, and we are going to learn whether or not 3-year-olds still need naps.

Recommended hours of sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, children who are ages 3 to 5 should be getting approximately 10.5 to 12.5 hours of sleep during the nighttime. Additionally, children who may be going through a growth spurt may need a little more sleep and may sleep a bit more. They may even eat more if they are going through a growth spurt to compensate for the energy that your child’s body needs while it is growing. During the day, they may need a nap that can be anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours long. A leading expert on the subject says that our children need tremendous amounts of energy for their growing bodies, so encouraging longer naps amongst toddlers is actually a good thing.

a photo of a little boy in a crib
Helena Lopesy/Pexels

Let them play out naturally

Many experts say that you should not force your child to stay up when they would normally take a nap. It is better for them to sort out naps for themselves. This means that the days your 3-year-old wants to take a nap, by all means let them do so. Then there are days where they are not going to want to take a nap, and that is totally fine, too. It is better for them to stop them on their own, rather than having us trying to keep them awake, especially if they are cranky without a nap.

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Know when it is time to nap

Pay attention to your child’s signs. Are they starting to get a little bit grumpy? Other children tend to just sit down and stare at nothing when they are tired, while others will show visible signs like them rubbing in their eyes and even starting to cry. That is when you know that it is time for a nap for your little one. Just be mindful of how they are acting during the day, and you will see when they may need a nap one day and possibly may not need one the next. It’s all about what their body is telling them, and if it is telling them to sleep at the moment, then it is best to put them down for a nap for an hour or two.

a picture of a little girl laying down
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Do’s and don’ts

If your 3-year-old is still napping on and off, you need to pay attention to a few things. One of them is where they take their naps. It is important to be consistent in where they are napping. This gives them consistency and stability, knowing that there is dedicated space for them to nap. For example, don’t let them nap in their stroller one day, the couch the next day, or their crib/toddler bed the next day. Make a dedicated space for their napping, and stick to it. Some days they may not take a nap. If that is the case, they may be weaning off them, or at least starting to do so. But when they do need a nap, take them to their napping/sleeping space before they go to sleep.

Do make sure that naps are at the most 90 minutes. Otherwise, your child may wake up cranky, even crankier than before they went down for a nap. So, 1 to 1.5 hours is the magic number to aim for when your child is going down for a nap. Do make sure that naps are taken at the same time every day, whenever possible. Our bodies and our little one’s bodies internal clocks like regularity, so when we go around putting them down for a nap different times every day, it can mess up their Circadian rhythm. When you put them down for a nap, just make sure that it is at the same time each and every day.

So, the question still remains, do 3-year-olds still need naps? The answer is yes and no. Each and every child is different and grows out of naps at different times. Just follow your heart and what is best for your child.

Jennifer Passmore
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Jennifer has written two books on how to deal with living with chronic illness using the power of positivity. She has written…
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Getting a good night's sleep isn't just important for your toddler but for everyone else in the house as well. Having a well-rested household means everyone functions better and is in a better mood. If your toddler takes forever to fall asleep, that can affect everyone's sleep. Fortunately, there are some bedtime hacks and tips to get your toddler to sleep that can help.
Setting up the right timing and routine and sticking to a consistent schedule make a big difference in deterring kids from getting out of bed to ask for a snack, water, or song every few minutes. When toddlers know what to expect at bedtime, they're much more likely to have an easier time drifting off to dreamland. Read on for our eight best tips to get a toddler to sleep.

8 tips to get toddlers to sleep
1. Time bedtime perfectly
If you start trying to put your toddler to bed for the night at 4:00 p.m., you'll probably have a very long and terribly frustrating bedtime process. It's the same if you don't start until 11:00 p.m. In general, you can't force a bedtime. It's best to make bedtime the time that your toddler naturally gets sleepy but isn't yet overtired. You can control when your toddler gets sleepy by letting them nap or not and when you schedule the nap, but by the end of the day, you pretty much have to go with the flow.
2. Keep bedtime consistent
While you want to go with your child's natural rhythm as we just discussed, once you know the time your child typically gets drowsy, pick that time on the clock to be bedtime every night. Staying up an hour later one night and an hour earlier the next won't encourage a successful bedtime routine with minimal resistance.
3. Time dinner appropriately
Does your child come out of bed asking for a snack? Make sure they haven't eaten too early so that they're hungry again after the bedtime routine. Time dinner to be over an hour or less before bedtime to avoid this issue. The digestion will also help make them sleepy.
4. Wind down
Kids shouldn't go straight from running around outside into bedtime. After dinner, wind down with books, chatting about their day, quiet music, stretching, or even breathing exercises or meditation. This isn't a good time for tablet time since the light can mess with their circadian rhythm. Bedtime starts long before bedtime, prepping the mind to be quiet and restful.
5. Set up the space for success
Make sure your child's bedroom encourages sleep. You want them to feel safe and calm, so some soothing music or a white noise machine can help. Some fairy lights or a night light that projects stars onto the ceiling can also make a child less scared of the dark. You can even put a lavender spray or sachet under the pillow to encourage sleep. Invest in blackout curtains so natural light doesn't keep your child awake or wake them up too early (they might also be scared of the dark out the window, so keep the curtains closed).
6. Stick to a consistent routine
The repetition of the bedtime routine should cue your child's brain every night that it is time for bed. For most kids, this involves brushing their teeth, washing their face, going potty, and then once in their room, putting on PJs and having some books read aloud to them. You may also add rubbing their back or another soothing and calming part of the routine after story time. Even the number of books and length of the stories should be consistent.
7. Attend to every need preemptively
If you are potty training or post-potty training, you might not let your child have unlimited water overnight. In this case, having their last drink of water should be part of the bedtime routine. Make sure going potty is one of the last parts of the routine before heading to the bedroom so they can't come out saying they have to go again. Whatever they come out asking for nightly, attend to it right before going to bed to avoid the request coming after bedtime.
8. Leave them with a recording still entertaining them
Your child likely misses you once you leave. Record your voice telling them a story on an old phone (or a tape recorder, tablet, or whatever you have available), and let the recording of you telling them more stories continue as you leave. They can fall asleep to your voice without you needing to be there. If you don't want to record or don't have a device for that, there are many audiobooks, bedtime podcasts, and pre-recorded short stories for kids (many specifically for bedtime) that you can leave playing.

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