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Toddler crying for no reason? Why it’s happening and useful tips to save your sanity

Here are possible explanations for the waterworks

Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
Are baby walkers safe? 5 dangerous reasons you shouldn’t add one to your registry
Learn why baby walkers may be unsafe
Infant in baby walker

Baby walkers used to be a popular gift and toy, but their popularity has shifted over the years and studies have found they can be quite unsafe. This can be disappointing for some parents looking to give their little ones a bit of independence while also allowing them to be hands free.

Even though you may have used a baby walker as a child yourself, in this day and age, there is quite a bit of information about just how hazardous baby walkers can be. If you're considering getting a baby walker, adding one to your registry, or if you already have one in your home, keep reading before you pop your toddler in.
Are baby walkers safe?

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Is your kid screaming for no reason? Here are ways to deal with a screaming child’s behavior
There are easy ways to handle this behavior if your kid has hit this stage
Young girl is screaming with fingers in her ears.

Unfortunately, temper tantrums are a natural development phase for most kids, but some children take it to the extreme. When your kid won't stop screaming and you don't know why, it makes you want to scream, too. Tension is high, frustration is bubbling, and parents can feel like they've lost control. If the behavior happens repeatedly, it's enough to drive you up the walls. Dealing with a screaming child's behavior is definitely one of the least favorite things for a parent.
Don't worry, there are ways to deal with this situation so you'll both feel better! Your child is feeling just as frustrated as you are, and with patience and understanding, you'll get to a place where you both remain calm. With these tips and expert advice, your house will soon be quieter. A screaming child's behavior doesn't have to leave the whole house in tears, so here's some help.

How to get your child to stop screaming

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Why do toddlers hit themselves? The reasons may surprise you
Toddlers hitting themselves is on the list of strange behaviors a parent needs to know about
A little upset boy pulling at his hair

Kids often exhibit behavior that many parents can't understand. Toddlers especially know how to bring a bit of pizazz to the day. Their behavior can often be silly and spontaneous, but it can also be worrying. It's a jarring experience for any parent the first time their sweet baby reaches up and hits them. It's even more confusing for parents to see their toddler turn their anger inward and hit themself in the head or on their body. Why toddlers hit themselves can be something every parent struggles with.

Children who have never been physically disciplined may still hit themselves, scratch themselves, or pound their heads against walls or the floor when they're frustrated. Why do toddlers do this? Do they grow out of it? What do parents do to stop it? And when do you know whether you might need to seek professional guidance for your child? Let's dig into this part of toddlerdom most parents will have to deal with.
Why do toddlers hit themselves?

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