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When can babies eat baby food? This is when to make the switch

How to tell if your baby is ready to start solid food

Baby being fed with spoon
life is fantastic / Unsplash

Many parents find it confusing to know when their baby can start eating baby food. Everyone seems to have an opinion about when babies need to start on solid foods, and that can often mean that parents, especially first-time ones, hear a lot of misinformation and feel pressure to feed their babies baby food before they’re ready.

Because every baby is different, there is no exact time when babies should start eating baby food, but there are some guidelines to follow to ensure your little one is ready. Keep reading to answer the question, “When can babies eat baby food?”

A parent feeding their baby some baby food.
Lopolo / Shutterstock

How do I know my baby is ready for baby food?

The general rule, when it comes to introducing solids, is to wait until your baby is approximately 6 months old. Some babies may start earlier, but The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn’t recommend giving any baby younger than 4 months old solid foods. Fortunately, your baby will start to give you some clues with their behavior that means they’re ready to move on from their diet of breastmilk or formula and add something more substantial.

Your baby is developmentally ready to try baby food when they can sit up and control their head and neck and physically when they are about double their birth weight. They may also show you that they’re interested in food by opening their mouth or watching when others eat, as well as bringing objects to their mouth.

A parent feeding a baby some baby food.
goodluz / Shutterstock

How to introduce solid foods

The most important thing about introducing solid foods to your baby is to follow their lead. If you choose a single-grain cereal as their first food, make sure it’s properly pureed to avoid any potential choking hazards. The AAP warns against adding cereal to your baby’s bottle because it is a choking hazard and can cause your babe to gain too much weight. It suggests introducing a new food to your baby every three to five days. This allows you to watch for any reactions your little one may have to one food before introducing something new.

If your baby is frustrated or rejects the food, don’t force them to continue eating. There’s nothing wrong with stopping solids for a short while before trying again. If they try a food that they don’t seem to like, stop feeding them and wait a while before reintroducing it. Babies will sometimes need to be exposed to different flavors and textures more than once before they decide they enjoy it.

Baby with peanut butter on their face
Hafiez Razali / Shutterstock

What about common allergy-causing foods?

It can be very a nerve-wracking experience for parents when it comes to introducing certain foods, such as peanuts, eggs, and seafood just to name a few. There is no proof that delaying the introduction of these foods will help prevent allergies, but if your baby has severe eczema, your pediatrician may want to test for a peanut allergy first. If you’re concerned your baby may be at risk for a food allergy, always speak to your doctor about how to proceed — when and how — when introducing these foods.

If you’re ever concerned about when to start solids, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician for advice, especially if you have concerns about food allergies. It’s always exciting to introduce your baby to new foods and watch as they grow and explore a variety of tastes and textures. Go slowly and enjoy this developmental milestone!

Kelli Catana
Kelli is a freelance writer who has covered the world of entertainment, pop culture, parenting, and lifestyle for various…
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What age your baby will sit up

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Because baby sat up once, doesn't mean they're a pro
We aren't saying that by 7 months, your bundle will sit all day long and never topple over. But you will see your baby get stronger and more confident and be able to sit for longer periods of time. You'll still see a bit of bobbing around, a leaning tower of baby, and possible faceplants here and there. By 9 months old, they should be able to sit up the majority of the time without needing you to adjust them.
Why it matters that baby can sit up
A few things happen once baby learns to sit up. One is the promotion to eating solid foods, which your little one shouldn't eat until they can support their body. Once your babe sits propped up and can stay mostly centered, solid foods can enter the chat, and that's huge for both baby and parents. When your child sits up properly without you holding them, mealtimes become easier. 

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Meaning "dawn," Aurora is well known for being Sleeping Beauty's given name. It is also the name of the mystical aurora borealis, otherwise known as the Northern Lights, which much of the U.S. was able to witness recently.
The name alone evokes images of fair maidens and fantastical settings and was also the name of King Arthur's Queen. The name was often translated into Jennifer, but we think Guinevere is a beautiful option for someone looking for a fantasy-inspired name.
From Latin meaning "youthful" or "queen of the gods," this name would be ideal for any little girl. Despite the name being around for centuries, it has grown in popularity over the last two decades or so.
A fantastical take on the traditional Sarah, Seraphine is less common than Seraphina, which is also a stunning name option, making it a great name choice for those who want something unique but not unheard of.
Another name popularized in The Lord of the Rings books, Eowyn, pronounced "ay-oh-wyn" is a nontraditional name rooted in the fantasy genre.
Another name that gained attention is Melisandre, which is of Old German and Old French origin and means strong in work and brave strength. The fantasy series Game of Thrones featured a character named Melisandre.
Fans of the 1988 movie Willow will recognize the name Sorsha as the name of the princess in the film. Meaning "bright" or "freedom," this is a beautiful fantasy name for a girl.
Evoking images of royalty, Dauphine is the name you're looking for if you want a fantasy name with some French flavor.
Give your little girl the moon with the name Luna, the choice of Chrissy Teigen and John Legend for their eldest daughter.

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