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7 skills to teach teens before they head off to college

Once high school graduation caps get tossed into the air and the parties are finished, it’s time to get teens ready for college. For most teens, freshmen year is their first extended time away from home. Regardless of how far your teen’s college or university is, it’s important to impart basic life skills before pulling away from the dormitory for the trip home. While you think your teen is prepared for life on their own, inevitably, there will be calls about laundry disasters, overdrawn checking accounts, and the dreaded maxed-out credit cards. While money management and life skills would be an essential required course in high school, classes like that typically aren’t offered. Spend time this summer making sure your teen is really ready for life away from home by packing these life skills, too.

teen girl learning how to make a bed
Everyonephoto Studio/Shutterstock

Household skills

The dorm room doesn’t come with a cleaner, and you don’t want your teen living in filth especially if he or she shares a suite and a common area. Make sure your teen knows the housekeeping basics by teaching the how-tos of:

  • Making the bed and changing the sheets
  • Cleaning the toilet and bathroom
  • Washing dishes
  • Vacuuming
  • Dusting

Adding cleaning supplies to the haul headed to college is a plus.

Cooking basics

The freshman 15 is a thing, and many college kids eat out a lot because the cafeteria food is awful. Eating out on a regular basis is expensive and not the healthiest lifestyle. While your teen doesn’t need to be Martha Stewart, knowing how to make scrambled eggs, pasta, grilled chicken, hot dogs, grilled cheese and other simple recipes is a huge benefit. You and your teen can spend quality time before the semester starts learning how to cook and use everyday kitchen appliances.

Refrigerator 101

College kids eat out a lot and leftovers hit the refrigerator and take up permanent residence before becoming a science experiment. To avoid unwanted bacteria, stomach upset and food poisoning, teach teens how to manage the refrigerator.

  • Use leftovers within four days
  • Freeze leftovers if they’re not going to be eaten
  • Use opened perishable foods within seven days or discard
  • Read expiration dates
  • Take a few minutes to clean out spoiled food every couple of weeks
teaching teen how to do laundry
Elnur / Shutterstock

Laundry 101

If your teen doesn’t know his or her way around a washing machine and dryer, take time over the summer to teach laundry basics. Teens should know how to wash clothing, sheets and towels, and they should know what water temperature to use, as well as what can and can’t go in the dryer. Pods are great because then they can’t overdo the laundry detergent. Let teens practice doing loads in the weeks leading up to school.

Grocery shopping

Teens have been food shopping with you many times, but they aren’t necessarily focused on the process. Once the stash you sent is gone, your teen will need to head to the food store. Teach teens how to pick out good produce and meat. Make sure they understand the importance of checking expiration dates before purchasing, as well as checking the packaging is intact. Introduce teens to the saving power of sales and coupons.

Car essentials

Even if your teen won’t have a car on campus, it’s important to know how to put air in a tire, change a tire in an emergency, jump start the engine and pump gas, especially if your college freshman is from New Jersey, where no self-pumping is allowed. A AAA card is also a must.

Money management

Before teens leave for college, it’s important to discuss fiscal responsibility. Teach teens how to manage money before you get the frantic call home about credit card and checking account issues. Help teens set up a budget. College freshmen should know how to budget the money they earn in order to pay their necessary bills while still having money for essentials like food annd fun. Teach them how to manage their debit card, Venmo, PayPal or checking account while staying within budget.

Many parents give their teen a credit card for emergencies or help them apply for one to take to college. Make sure your teen understands an emergency isn’t buying the lacrosse team pizza. Teach teens to check credit card statements each month, pay the total off in its entirety and to pay the bill on time. Teens should understand paying the minimum on credit cards and late fees costs more money in the long run while damaging credit rating. To avoid a disaster, teens should have one credit card.

If you take the time to show your teen how to manage his or her money, you’ll avoid needing to make emergency deposits to their Venmo. You also don’t want to see your teen rack up huge amounts on their credit card on top of those loan payments they’re going to have after graduation.

As a parent or caregiver, your head is probably spinning. Taking the time to make sure your teen has packed the necessary skills he or she needs helps make for a better adjustment to college and life away from home. It gives you peace of mind, especially if your teen’s college is a considerable distance away. When teens have basic life skills, they’re more apt to be independent, which is the goal of every parent. Helping teens get a handle on how to manage life away from home the summer before college is also a way to savor quality time before they leave the nest.

Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller began her professional life as an elementary school teacher before returning to her first love, writing. In…
These books will teach your toddler to talk about their feelings
Toddler having a grumpy day? Sit down and read all about it
Girl with glasses holding book

It's hard enough for grown-ups to talk about their feelings. Asking a toddler to understand and cohesively express complicated emotions is a bit of a lofty request. At times, it can feel like a completely futile one. Happiness, sadness, excitement, and nervousness are more than just vocabulary words for a little one to learn. These are emotions that have real mental and physical manifestations in kids and adults. They can make our hearts race, our palms sweat, and our tears fall. It's not easy for toddlers to wrap their little brains around how feelings impact their bodies and minds. It's confusing, to say the least. Adults are still trying to fully understand their emotions.
One way to help your little one process their feelings and find the right words to use when expressing them is through reading. Nothing puts things into perspective like a little parent-child story-time session. So, curl up together on the couch, cuddle in, and calmly flip through a few sweet, silly, and meaningful books that seek to define and describe how our feelings affect everything we do.
Not sure what children's books make for a great read on the subject of feelings? We've rounded up 10 toddler books about feelings to help you teach your child to channel and express their emotions in a productive way. Whether your tyke is going through a difficult behavioral stage, exploring new friendships, or struggling with change, these feeling books for toddlers can help your kiddos identify and navigate all those confounding emotions and hard-to-articulate thoughts going through their heads.

Best feeling books for toddlers
Reading to kids is a great way to spend quality time and help them down the road to becoming a lifelong reader. It's also a perfect pick for teaching toddlers about their feelings. Add these feeling books to your library for bedtime or anytime reads.
Lots of Feelings, by Shelly Rotner
A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when you're trying to explain a difficult concept to a child. This is one of our favorite books about emotions for toddlers. It offers real-life photographs of children to show the facial expressions that accompany common feelings. It's a great way to give kiddos visual cues to help them express their feelings and decode those of the people around them.

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These are the benefits to teaching your kid to play chess
Father and son playing a game of chess

Child prodigies and chess have long been a source of fascination. From movies like Searching for Bobby Fisher to series' like The Queen's Gambit, people are intrigued by the stories behind children and teens who are able to master the complexities of a game steeped in history. World Chess Champion and grandmaster Bobby Fisher was the youngest American chess champ at the age of just 14 and a grandmaster at 15. In Searching for Bobby Fisher, which is based on a true story, parents are excited to learn their 7-year-old is gifted in the game of chess and could potentially follow in Fisher's path. Chess champions were long dominated by men, which makes the Netflix blockbuster series, The Queen's Gambit interesting because the lead character is a young orphan girl on a quest to become a grandmaster.

Of course, not every 7-year-old who plays chess is destined to become the next Bobby Fisher, but playing chess is an excellent activity for kids and teens. If you're wondering when is a good age to teach your child to play chess, seven is a perfect time to introduce your child to the game because a lot of important lessons come from those 32 pieces.
Why should kids learn to play chess?

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Three kids sitting and reading books

Children learn about the world through many avenues, but one in their life every day is the books they read at home. The more diverse the representation in these books, the more their minds will be ready to accept anyone they meet. Millions of children have LGBTQ+ family members or are LGBTQ+ themselves, so kids of any identity should see these kids reflected in their books.

You may need to go out of your way to make sure your bookshelf is appropriately diverse, but this list makes finding those titles easy. Each one of these picture books for babies through elementary school students has one or more LGBTQ+ characters woven into a story that makes a great book on its own. They don't take an educational tone, but rather share engaging and colorful tales that any child will love -- while also happening to incorporate LGBTQ+ people.
A Plan for Pops

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