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How to choose the best baby proofing products for your home

There are so many things to do before you bring home your baby. Then, as your baby starts to become mobile, there is a whole new world of things to do. Baby proofing the house becomes a priority. You find that your baby gets into things that you haven’t even looked at in who knows how long. They find every nook and cranny and can turn literally anything into a dangerous object.

You should be prepared and have your house baby-proofed a bit before you think your baby will start becoming mobile. Babies work on their own schedules, and you don’t want to be chasing them around trying to figure out what they are getting into. Let’s look at some of the best baby proofing products you need to keep you both safe.

Lock it up

Though many a baby lock has stumped an adult human, at least your baby should be safe from harm. Baby locks come in so many forms. The main thing is that you pick one and lock up every cabinet and drawer that you don’t want your baby getting into.

These seem to be fairly easy to install and use. You don’t need a separate baby proof kit for the fridge, toilet, cabinets, or whatever else you want to keep closed. These are adjustable, so they will fit almost anything you need your baby not to open.

Cover the outlets

Once your baby learns how to grab things, they will also experiment with stabbing with said things. And what better place to try to stick something in than the outlet. It’s the perfect height, it’s a fun shape, and they are everywhere. Do you see the design flaw?

They do make some of the easiest and fun looking outlet covers and plugs these days. The best part is, you aren’t stuck getting those plugs that break off half of your nail trying to get them back out.

Now, these are nice. You install them once, and that’s it. Once you unplug your item, it slides back closed. Now, pay attention to your child. Most children will give up once they realize there is no fun to be had here. But some kids won’t quit and may even figure out how to slide the cover to get to the good stuff. If you have a super-strong or super smart child, get these.

Liquids be gone

This is any liquid you do not want your baby to put near his mouth. Cleaners, bleaches, sprays, liquor, any alcohol, and your coffee all have to go. Put it high, put it away, or put it in the fridge. Babies love to put things in their mouths. There’s no getting out of it.

Sometimes baby locks fail, and they can get a cabinet open. If you move these things to a spot where your baby can’t get to them, that would be best.

Gate up

Yes, the wonderful world of baby gates. If you’ve used them for pets, it’s the same concept. With baby gates, you want to test them out (if you can) before you buy. You will most likely be trying to open the thing with one hand while your child is in your other arm. Make sure you can maneuver it.

This one looks like something you could open with one hand. It’s also extra tall in case you have a climber. Remember, you need one for the top and bottom of your stairs. It would be horrible to bring your baby upstairs with you, put them down, and have them be free to take a tumble.

baby wood gate

Other quick checks

Some other fast checks for you to do around your home. Look for anything hanging. Window shade strings or cords from any appliance or light fixture—move them.

Check your furniture. Get down on your knees and try to pull yourself up or knock it over. If you can easily tip something, you’ll need to move it, secure it, or get rid of it.

In fact, crawl around your whole house and look for anything you would never see down there. Babies find the weirdest and most random things to use as toys.

We agree this is a lot (and we couldn’t even get to everything). If you are wondering if you really need to baby proof your house, the answer is yes. You can’t be in the room with your baby every second, or every minute, of every day. If you are feeling overwhelmed, there are great kits that can help you take care of almost everything.

Things happen. We take a phone call and walk out of the room to hear better. We think the baby is napping. Someday, something will happen that will make you glad you took the time to take out the most significant accident traps in your home.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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