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How to plan the perfect outdoor Father’s Day outing

man woman and two children taking a selfie in front of a car
Image used with permission by copyright holder
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Father’s Day is right around the corner and you want to make it memorable. Although a thoughtful present and card will be appreciated, the best gift any child could give their father is time together. Happily, the day we set aside to celebrate Dad falls in the early part of summer. It is the perfect time to get outside and make memories. Take your celebration of Father’s Day outdoors by planning a special day or weekend that the whole family will enjoy. 

Bring the whole family together

Family time is hard to come by, so make it a point to gather everyone together for Dad’s big day. If you are a group of adult siblings planning an event for an elder dad, don’t wait to coordinate, especially if travel is involved. Communicate the plan early and consider using a planning app like Prava to keep everyone on the same page. 

Even if it’s just Mom and younger children or tweens planning Dad’s party, scheduling can become somewhat hectic when social, sports, and summer camp schedules come into play. Be sure everyone knows the dates and their roles well in advance, and check in with one another as the date approaches.

Spend Fathers Day outdoors

We spend so much time inside that a day or weekend built around the outdoors is a refreshing change of pace. That could take on a variety of forms, depending on Dad’s interests. What is the thing he would love to do, but would never plan for himself? Make that his gift.

If he loves action and adventure, a camping trip with hiking or fishing in his favorite spot would be perfect. Or, for a more relaxed day in civilization, you could plan a picnic, complete with curated music and an outdoor game tournament. For those who like to feel productive, maybe a family crafting or building project would be fun. Just think how awesome it would be to build a backyard fire pit then light it up for a Father’s Day evening bonfire.

parents and children standing in front of a motorhome
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Plan a Fathers Day weekend trip

A destination celebration could be fun, too. Pick a theme, like sports, nature, or culture, and a fun destination. Then reserve a VRBO or an Airbnb, or rent a motorhome and Hipcamp for the weekend. 


After a year without live sports, you can finally take Dad out to a ball game. Major League Baseball and Major League Soccer teams will play dozens of games on Father’s Day weekend. Combine a day golfing or a morning at the driving range with an evening at the game. Maybe even throw in a beer or wine tasting and a steak dinner.


Nature lovers could spend the entire weekend on a single adventure as they punch items off Dad’s bucket list. Go on an overnight boating and fishing adventure on one of America’s Wild and Scenic Rivers. Visit a summer bird watching hotspot and help Dad build his life list. Check with local outdoor clubs or your state’s Department of Natural Resources to find wild adventures closer to home. 


Let’s not forget outdoor cultural venues that present opportunities to enjoy art, history, music, food, and entertainment in a safe, socially distanced way. From botanical gardens and museums to food festivals and outdoor concerts, Father’s Day 2021 could be a great time to take in a variety of meaningful experiences in your own city or beyond. 

Don’t forget the food

Whatever the celebration looks like, food is a critical component. Even if the event flows through an entire weekend, choose one meal and make it extra special. It could be Sunday brunch before the big game, a Saturday evening barbecue and cookout for the extended family, or a quiet picnic in a quiet spot by the lake. Good food and environment are important, but the most important thing is a focused, distraction-free meal and conversation.

family walking along shoreline with campsite in the background
Image used with permission by copyright holder
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Create a personalized playlist

Dad’s taste in music may not match yours. In fact, his favorite songs that drove you nuts as a kid probably still do. That’s what makes a personalized playlist such an awesome gift. He knows you hate his music, but you assembled his top hits anyway. But what if there were songs that you actually liked and he never knew? This is the perfect time for a big reveal.

Both video and audio make outstanding gifts because they hold entertainment and sentimental value. Use PowerPoint or other multimedia software to create a looping slideshow of your favorite memories accompanied by your Dad’s favorite tunes. It adds a fun entertainment element at dinner, and he can keep the file to rewatch whenever he wants.

Stay safe

In-person celebrations and traveling have been the cause of much concern, and virus transmission, during the COVID pandemic. Even as the peak subsides within the United States, we must continue to act responsibly to prevent flare ups. As restaurants and other venues reopen, please continue to heed health and safety best practices including social distancing, wearing a mask indoors, washing hands often, and staying home if you exhibit symptoms of the virus.

Mark Wolfe
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Mark Wolfe is a freelance writer who specializes in garden, landscaping, and home improvement. After two decades in the…
How to make a DIY LEGO table at home in just one day
budget lego table lego2

If you're a parent currently raising a child who holds a deep love and appreciation for those buildable cubes, aka LEGO blocks, then we have the perfect weekend DIY project. What makes this project even more special is it’s ideal for completing with assistance from your own little helper. With some supervision, a few power tools, and a little ingenuity, you and your kid will have a budget-friendly DIY project that they can enjoy for years to come. 
How to make a LEGO table
We’ve scoured the internet, researched the elements, and found the most bang-for-your-buck products that will have your child building castles, cannons, or craters in the matter of one day. Forget the expensive toy versions and toss out those hard-to-follow instructions or videos that cost too much or take too long to complete. This version is perfect for those casual weekend builders and their little helpers looking to make lasting memories and a fun project together. 

Plan your project
In order to put together the most budget-friendly and easy-to-make project possible, it’s highly recommended that parents plan this one in advance. To complete this DIY LEGO table in one day, some recognizance, research, and planning are needed prior to construction.
1. Find the table that will serve as the base of this project
Utilizing leftover furniture pieces in or around the home, the local thrift store, or social media marketplace are always good first choices. If a newly purchased base is necessary, we recommend an easy to assemble and cheap possibility from a local store. For around $15, it's possible for parents to put a table together in minutes.
2. Pick up some LEGO bases
We recommend parents grab these peel-and-stick, glue-back LEGO bases. They come in 10-by-10 inch blocks that come together flush, making the design as seamless as possible. Most table bases require only four pieces from the pack of six, allowing parents with leftover pieces should one arrive, or become, damaged.

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Now is the perfect time to institute family fun night – here’s how
Family watching a movie together for a family fun night

With busy work and school schedules as well as all those extracurricular activities, it's easy to understand why many parents feel life is too busy for a family fun night. Sure life amps up once school is in session, but it's important to set aside one evening a week for a family fun night. Lots of families already do. If you and your partner have been wanting to put one on the schedule, but struggle to find an idea for family nights, remember that any time of the year is ideal. Family fun nights have a lot of pluses for kids and teens too. When families have regular organized nights together, it tends to help kids in the classroom as well as with communication and social skills. Of course, setting aside time for family fun nights is excellent for bonding. Why wait for vacations or snow days to have quality family fun? If you're not sure how to put together a family fun night. No worries. We've got cool suggestions.
Ideas for family fun nights

Game night
Board games have so many benefits for kids. They help with reading, math, and problem solving skills while being exciting too. All you need for a family game night is a bunch of board games. Try and rotate the games played each week. For families with multiple ages, just put little ones on teams with a parent so they feel included.

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Now is the perfect time for your family to exercise together – here’s how
Mom and daughter playing musical game.

Any time is the ideal time to get the family exercising together. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 73 percent of adults over the age of 20 are overweight. Statistics also show 20 percent of kids ages six to 11 are overweight. Even kids as young as two are battling with obesity. A great way to get the entire family healthy is do incorporate daily exercise into the schedule for everyone. With work, school, and extracurricular schedules, setting aside time to exercise can be challenging. Getting the family moving doesn't have to take up a lot of time, and working out with kids forces adults to squeeze in daily exercise too. Now, you don't have to go to the gym to get a great workout or spend a fortune on gear. Here are some fun and easy ways to add exercise to your family's day.
Walk to school
If you live within close proximity to school, walking to and from school is a perfect pick for getting in the daily steps. Don't let inclement weather deter walks to and from school either. Kids love to walk in the rain and snow. All you need is a pair of wellies along with an umbrella to keep everyone dry.
Walk at practice
Younger siblings and parents spend a lot of time waiting around at practices. Make the most of those minutes by bringing the sneakers and a stroller if needed. Instead of standing around on the field or sitting in the car steaming shows in the parking lot, take a walk.
Take an after-dinner stroll
Once the dinner dishes are done and the kitchen is clean, have the whole family take a walk around the neighborhood. Bring the dog if you have one. An after-dinner walk doesn't have to be long, especially during busy work and school weeks. Aim for 15 to 20-minute walks, and make the after-dinner stroll longer on weekends.

Take a family bike ride
Change up the after-dinner walks with a family bike ride. A bike ride is a great way for the whole family to exercise. On weekends, try and explore bike paths in your area for more miles.
Don't let rain clouds or chilly temperatures keep the family from exercising. If the weather is bad, turn on upbeat music and have a family dance party. Aim for about 10 minutes or three songs.
Hold sports nights
Just like game or movie nights, hold a family sports night. If your kids are into hockey, soccer, basketball, baseball, or football organize the family into a fun game a couple of nights a week. To keep things fresh, try playing different sports kids don't usually play like dodge ball or badminton.
You're it! Tag is a universal game kids love to play, and when parents and caregivers get involved, it makes the game so much more exciting for kids. A few rounds of tag outside after dinner is a workout for everyone even the family dog.
Hide and seek
Another popular kids' game, hide and seek, can be a workout. Get multiple families involved to get those steps in.

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