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Games to play in the snow that are perfect for kids of any age

Need games to play in the snow during Christmas break? Here are 6

Everyone looks forward to Christmas break. Kids love being able to stay home and play in the snow and parents love having a break from sitting in the drop-off and pickup lines. But best of all are the snow-themed games for kids to play. Just like with staying inside though, if you don’t mix it up, everyone will get bored.

If you’re tired of the same old snowball fights and igloo building, we hear you. You want new and fun ways to play in the cold this season, and we are here to keep the season’s spirit burning bright. Try out any of these six great games to play in the snow that will have kids of all ages having the best Christmas break.

A child playing in snow all bundled up sliding on a sled
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Snow games that require more movement

Snowy miniature golf

This game is great for when you have a group of kids that are a range of ages with mixed interests. It also helps if you have a lot of time and a lot of snow.

You’ll need snow-digging gear, a colored ball (a cheap, plastic ball like what you’d find in a ball pit will work), and a miniature golf club. Though if you don’t have one of those, use any kind of child-friendly sporting gear, like a light plastic bat. Have the older and/or creative kids create a mini-golf course in the snow. Use packed snow to build ramps, walls, and other obstacles leading up to each hole they create. Mark off each hole with a stick or something that’s visible. 

Then, it’s time for the challenge! Have each player go through the course and keep score just like you would in a real game of mini golf. 

Snow tag

Make your average game of tag a bit more difficult. In this snowy version, create a large circle with your feet/legs and then split up the circle into eight “slices.” It should look like a snow pizza when you’re finished. This pizza is your playing area.

The players can only run around on these stomped-out paths. Choose a person to be “it” and then watch the chaos unfold as the other players struggle to stay away while simultaneously having to stay within the bounds of the snow circle/pizza. It will probably end with everyone in a pile in the snow, so make sure to bundle up.

Snowy scavenger hunt

If your children are old enough to get outdoors by themselves or with an older sibling, send them on a scavenger hunt — while you stay nice and cozy indoors! 

Make up a list of nature items for them to find around your yard. Pinecones, icicles, bird or squirrel tracks, a last remaining leaf, something that’s a certain color, and more should be on the list. Have your children work together as a team to cross off the list or compete for a fun prize, like more marshmallows in their hot cocoa!

A family playing in the snow and building a snowman
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Snow games that require a little less movement

Pin the carrot on the snowman

Your kids have built their first-snow snowman of the season! Now what? If they’re complaining of boredom, grab a few carrots from the produce drawer (or just some sticks if you don’t have a carrot on hand), a scarf to use as a blindfold, and then head back outside.

Blindfold the first competitor, give them a carrot, spin them around a few times, and then have them do their best to pin the carrot on the snowman. They should aim to get as close as possible to where the nose would naturally be. Have the entire family compete to see who gets closest to the mark. Whoever wins doesn’t have to shovel the next time it snows.


Want something a little easier and a lot less time-consuming? For a quick game outdoors, draw a tic-tac-toe board in the snow and then use items from around the yard as your game pieces, from twigs to pinecones. If you have a hard time keeping track of the board, use food coloring to make the lines. For older kids who like to stay out later, use glow sticks so when it’s dark out before dinner, they can still play.

Wintertime toss

For younger kids, a simple snowball toss is a good fit. This game is like cornhole, but with snow. If older siblings are playing, make sure you remind them that hitting a younger sibling in the face isn’t part of the game.

Carve out a small circle in the snow and then position your kids behind a line a few feet away (or whatever distance you feel is suitable for their arm strength). Help them make up a batch of snowballs and then compete to see who gets the most of their snowballs into the circular target. Extra points if someone manages to knock someone else’s snowball out of the target. 

Having fun outdoors this winter season doesn’t mean sticking to the same old games you’ve always played. There are so many other ways for your children to play outside in the snow this Christmas break. You’ll keep them happy and entertained, and they’ll get them to burn off some energy when playing any of the snow day games we mentioned. Say goodbye to cabin fever and hello to your most fun snow season yet!

Holly Riddle
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Holly Riddle is a freelance food, travel and lifestyle journalist, who also dabbles in copywriting, ghostwriting and fiction…
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