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Here’s how to find the best running strollers for moms on the go

A woman, baby and running stroller
Blazej Lyjak/Shutterstock

After months if not years of upheaval at every level of life, new moms want nothing more than to regain some semblance of their old routine. Rarely has a simple run felt so liberating.

Parents need not set their favorite healthy habit aside just because a baby’s in tow (sometimes literally). That’s where the perfect running stroller, also known as a jogging stroller or jogger, comes in. And that’s what this list is here to help you find.

You might be a serious fitness enthusiast, or you may be a dabbler looking to shed some maternity pounds. You may want a running stroller with durability, a maternal multitasker, or something that can maneuver through tight spaces. There’s a running stroller to meet every need.

Here are some things to consider as you get back up to speed and bring your little one(s) along for the fun. We’ve also factored in the best double jogging strollers for those times when the pack expands.

How will you be using this stroller?

It’s a simple but important question. Will you use this only for running, or will you use it for other functions, too? Depending on your answer, a traditional stroller or a jogging stroller equipped with a bike trailer could be the best fit.

There is no wrong answer, and there are excellent options on all fronts. Just be sure you’re getting what you really want.

Couple with a double strollerWheels that work

Wheels are the main difference between strollers and joggers. Forget about stroller models with wheels pulled straight from a broken shopping cart. Modern running strollers are far tougher and more streamlined.

One key difference is that running stroller wheels are made of rubber and inflated with air, much more closely resembling bicycle wheels than the harder, more solid construction found on traditional stroller wheels, which also tend to be substantially smaller. Running stroller wheels provide better traction and shock absorption, resulting in a smoother ride for all involved.

Running strollers also have two types of wheel setups: Fixed wheel and swivel wheel.

A rigid or fixed front wheel helps a running stroller maintain stability, particularly as runners increase their speed. Running with a stroller that doesn’t have a fixed front wheel is unsafe and could endanger you or your child.

By contrast, strollers with swivel wheels have a movable wheel setup that makes the stroller easier to maneuver. However, virtually all models contain a locking mechanism to fix the front wheel in place as needed.

What other safety features should I look for?

The modern running stroller takes a lot of precautionary measures. Not every stroller will include every feature, but these are some common components that beef up the safety profile:

  • Brakes: There are two kinds of stroller brakes, both of which are equivalent to those found in the average car. Think of the hand brake as the brake you use to slow down for a red light, while the rear brakes are the parking brake, helping you stay put once the journey’s done.
  • Five-point harness: This well-known harness design is the best option for a baby’s security.
  • Tether strap: wrap this around your wrist to keep the running stroller from accidentally getting away from you.
  • Canopy: An adjustable canopy over his or her little head protects your baby from the elements.

A couple and a double jogger

What’s the key to the best double jogging stroller?

The same features and considerations apply to double jogging strollers just as they do for single jogging strollers.

One issue, however, takes on extra importance when there are two babies on board: Storage. It might be a pocket, a pouch, a console, or a cup holder. The more storage you have, the easier life is going to be.

Storage is one of the reasons we chose the Baby Trend Expedition Double Jogger as our favorite double jogging stroller.

This model includes a convenient parent tray with two cup holders and a covered storage compartment, as well as a large storage basket. Never worry again about the Cheerios intermingling with the diaper bag.

It’s natural (and necessary) for your life to revolve around your little ones. A running stroller is a way of evening the scales a bit — keeping kids safe and engaged while reconnecting with those semi-mythical things you remember enjoying pre-baby. And there’s no better way to give your baby a taste of fresh air or the feel of the wind in their face.

Scott Harris
Scott Harris is a freelance writer based near Washington, DC, with more than a decade of experience covering health…
Now is the perfect time for your family to exercise together – here’s how
Mom and daughter playing musical game.

Any time is the ideal time to get the family exercising together. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 73 percent of adults over the age of 20 are overweight. Statistics also show 20 percent of kids ages six to 11 are overweight. Even kids as young as two are battling with obesity. A great way to get the entire family healthy is do incorporate daily exercise into the schedule for everyone. With work, school, and extracurricular schedules, setting aside time to exercise can be challenging. Getting the family moving doesn't have to take up a lot of time, and working out with kids forces adults to squeeze in daily exercise too. Now, you don't have to go to the gym to get a great workout or spend a fortune on gear. Here are some fun and easy ways to add exercise to your family's day.
Walk to school
If you live within close proximity to school, walking to and from school is a perfect pick for getting in the daily steps. Don't let inclement weather deter walks to and from school either. Kids love to walk in the rain and snow. All you need is a pair of wellies along with an umbrella to keep everyone dry.
Walk at practice
Younger siblings and parents spend a lot of time waiting around at practices. Make the most of those minutes by bringing the sneakers and a stroller if needed. Instead of standing around on the field or sitting in the car steaming shows in the parking lot, take a walk.
Take an after-dinner stroll
Once the dinner dishes are done and the kitchen is clean, have the whole family take a walk around the neighborhood. Bring the dog if you have one. An after-dinner walk doesn't have to be long, especially during busy work and school weeks. Aim for 15 to 20-minute walks, and make the after-dinner stroll longer on weekends.

Take a family bike ride
Change up the after-dinner walks with a family bike ride. A bike ride is a great way for the whole family to exercise. On weekends, try and explore bike paths in your area for more miles.
Don't let rain clouds or chilly temperatures keep the family from exercising. If the weather is bad, turn on upbeat music and have a family dance party. Aim for about 10 minutes or three songs.
Hold sports nights
Just like game or movie nights, hold a family sports night. If your kids are into hockey, soccer, basketball, baseball, or football organize the family into a fun game a couple of nights a week. To keep things fresh, try playing different sports kids don't usually play like dodge ball or badminton.
You're it! Tag is a universal game kids love to play, and when parents and caregivers get involved, it makes the game so much more exciting for kids. A few rounds of tag outside after dinner is a workout for everyone even the family dog.
Hide and seek
Another popular kids' game, hide and seek, can be a workout. Get multiple families involved to get those steps in.

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Teaching toddlers colors should be fun – here’s how
toddler girl having fun playing with finger paint

The world is fun of bright and interesting colors, and as your little one steps into his or her toddler years, the time is ripe for learning what all those different shades are. So, when should toddlers know their colors? Around 18 months of age is when toddlers begin to notice everything around them has different colors, shapes and sizes, making that a perfect time to start introducing your toddler to colors through play. Two years of age to three is when toddlers begin to grasp the different colors and are able to identify them. Teaching toddlers colors should be a fun and exciting experience, without relying on the use of flashcards. There are an abundance of cool ways to teach toddlers colors that are pleasurable for both you and your toddler.
Be verbal
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Reading daily to toddlers works to develop speech and other important developmental milestones, including color recognition. Add a few color-oriented books to titles you read together and make them available at home or in the car. Rereading books is a definite do with toddlers. As they become familiar with the text, toddlers will imitate it, which is a pre-reading milestone. Here are some fun color books to share with your toddler.

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