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Science baby names that are as smart as your future scientist

Thinking of science baby names for your little one? We have the ultimate list to pick from

girl working on science experiment
boonchoke / Shutterstock

For some people, choosing a baby name is easy. Others will wrestle for months with choosing the perfect moniker for their little one. Regardless of what name you will pick, there may be many different influences that factor into your decision.  Deciding between a unique name, incorporating a family name, or keeping up with the hottest name trend can be tough.

If you hope the name you choose will help shape who your child becomes, a science-themed baby name will give you an endless list to choose from. Find a name with a deeper meaning or a scientific role model for your kid to look up to. Whether you love nature, innovation, or space, there are a ton of inspirational options for science baby names, and we have a list of the best ones for your little one.

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Famous scientist names to pick from

Girl conducting a kids' science experiment at home.
Mama Belle and the kids / Shutterstock

Combing through lists of famous scientists will give you endless classic, traditional names to choose from. Each of these scientists contributed great gifts to their respective fields. You could study up and find a perfect role model after which to name your baby.

Boy name options

  • Leonardo: or Leo: Not only the best Ninja Turtle, but for Leonardo da Vinci, a world-renowned artist and scientist.
  • Nicolaus or Nikola: Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician, while Nikola Tesla was an inventor with a knack for electricity.
  • Isaac or Newton: Isaac Newton is famous for his laws of gravity but not the Fig Newton treat.
  • Benjamin or Franklin: Benjamin Franklin famously created the lightning rod, bifocals, and the gorgeous Franklin stove.
  • Daniel or Gabriel: Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit’s first or middle name is a subtle nod to the man who invented the Fahrenheit temperature scale and mercury thermometers.
  • Charles or Darwin: Well-known for his theory of evolution, Charles Darwin studied animals off the Galapagos Islands.
  • Alexander or Graham: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and was a co-founder of AT&T.
  • Thomas or Edison: Thomas Edison’s inventions and contributions include the alkaline battery, wax paper, and the first motion picture camera, and he is the reason we say “hello” instead of “ahoy” when we answer the phone.

Girl name options

  • Mary: Mary Anning was a finder and collector of fossils in England.
  • Ada: Born Augusta Ada King and known as Ada Lovelace, she was a mathematician who wrote algorithms that eventually helped us develop computers.
  • Marie: A pioneer in radioactive elements and discoverer of radium and polonium, Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first person to win two Nobels.
  • Rosalind: An English scientist, Rosalind Franklin took x-ray images of DNA, which was an important step to later understanding the structure of DNA.
  • Jane: Jane Goodall is known for dedicating much of her life to studying and understanding chimpanzees.
  • Henrietta: Henrietta Swan Leavitt was an astronomer who studied the luminosity of stars and was the creator of Leavitt’s Law.
  • Nora: Nora Stanton Blatch was an architect and civil engineer and the first female to be admitted into the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Out-of-this-world name options

A nursery with moon and stars decorations.
mtlapcevic / Shutterstock

Considering a space theme while brainstorming nursery ideas? Then you should look at giving your child a space-related name. From planets to stars to satellites to telescopes — you’ll find plenty of creative names for your future astronaut. Space names, especially star or planet-inspired ones, have many meanings and come with fun background stories to share. Plus, they will be more unusual and unique names that not a lot of other kids will have.


  • Halley
  • Levy
  • Bennet


  • Venus
  • Neptune
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Mercury


  • Orion
  • Leo
  • Lyra
  • Ara
  • Carina
  • Norma
  • Phoenix


  • Ariel
  • Chandra
  • Galileo

Playing with the elements

A little girl looking in a microscope.
Tatiana Buzmakova / Shutterstock

Consulting the periodic table gives you a balance of creative science baby names that are still a little subtle. With all the elements on the periodic table, you will be sure to find a name you like from it somewhere, or you might even be able to find a first and middle name combination.

Examples of element-inspired baby names with their respective elements

  • Titan (titanium)
  • Rubi (rubidium)
  • Frank (francium)
  • Ruth (ruthenium)
  • Argon
  • Tennessee (tennessine)
  • Lawrence (lawrencium)
  • Berk (berkelium)

Science terminology inspiration

A mother singing to her little baby.
PR Image Factory / Adobe Stock

If none of these science baby names leave you feeling inspired, you could always dust off an old science textbook and flip through the glossary in hopes of discovering your perfect baby name. That would also be a great way to get a middle name if you want the first and middle names to sort of match.

Fun terminology baby names

  • Axle
  • Dune
  • Dyson
  • Eureka
  • Flora
  • Fauna
  • Gauge
  • Gene
  • Ion
  • Nimbus
  • Prism
  • Punnett
  • (Compass) Rose
  • Savannah
  • Taiga
  • Tesla
  • Tundra

Look a bit outside the scientific method for inspiration

Father holding baby in nursery.
Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock

If you don’t want a super scientific baby name but still want some sort of science in the mix, astrology-themed names are still a good go-to choice. You could also look to the science of rocks or crystals to bring you a science-themed baby name that isn’t too technical.

Think of what their birthstone and zodiac sign will be or about the constellations that will be in the sky when your baby will be born. You could pull ideas from these areas and will still be in the science realm.

Constellation inspired

  • Altair
  • Ara
  • Castor
  • Pollux
  • Lyra
  • Cygnus

Crystal clarity and rock-related

  • Amethyst
  • Flint
  • Garnet
  • Jade
  • Mica
  • Gabbro
  • Jasper

Can your baby’s name influence their future career?

Baby names
New Africa / Shutterstock

While giving your baby a science-inspired name may not guarantee that your baby will go into science as a career, it can subtly influence their opportunities and how they are perceived. Research suggests that names can carry certain societal or cultural associations, which could impact your baby’s experiences as they grow up. Giving your child a name that sounds unique or prestigious might lead to assumptions of intelligence or creativity, while names tied to specific cultures or communities may shape a child’s sense of identity or connection to certain industries.

Although giving your child a science-inspired name won’t ensure they pursue a career in science, it can play a role in shaping how people perceive them initially, their self-confidence, and even how others respond to a person as they navigate their personal and professional journey.

Picking out your child’s name could be stressful, but we hope you find it fun while looking through science-inspired baby names. These science-themed baby names just might help you raise a future scientist, but if not, at least they will help your child stand out from the crowd and have a unique name everyone will remember. They just may never find their name on a key chain at the souvenir shop on a class field trip. We hope the stars have aligned for you to pick the perfect science-themed baby name for your tiny alchemist.

Whitney Sandoval
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Whitney Sandoval is a freelance writer and educator living in the Midwest. She writes about parenting, accessibility, and…
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