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Budget friendly remodeling ideas for a baby’s room

Many new parents dream about building their children the ultimate nursery — but spending thousands of dollars on new carpeting or custom furniture adds up quickly. You have countless inspired plans and ideas – you want to maximize your small nursery space, you want to redo the walls and the floors, you want to recreate a specific theme. If you’re looking to remodel your nursery without breaking the bank, we’ve got a list of budget-friendly projects.

Paint the nursery a different color

If that dark purple or deep blue is making the nursery feel a little claustrophic, it might be time to try out a new color. Depending on the size of the nursery, repainting the walls yourself usually costs between $100 and $400.

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Lighter colors like off-white or pale pink can make a small nursery feel bigger, especially if you’ve got tons of natural light already. If your nursery lacks windows, brighter shades like grassy green or pastel yellow can play well off artificial light.

baby room remodelling
united photo studio/Shutterstock

However, you might want to steer clear of bright yellow or bold red, which can put a negative spin on your little one’s mood.

Try washi tape or wall decals

Painting a nursery can make the room feel totally different, but it’s also only an option if you own the house you live in. If you rent, most landlords aren’t a fan of remodeling projects that begin with a can of paint.

Or, if you just don’t have  time to paint, you can always opt for wall decals. These decals adhere to your wall but should be simpler to pull off than wallpaper. Some decals are large enough to fit across an entire wall, much like a nursery mural. Keep in mind that you run the risk of chipping the paint when you peel these wall decals off.

Many large wall decals cost around $100 or a little more — which is still more cost-effective than loading up on paints and primers (or hiring an artist for a mural).

An even cheaper alternative is using washi tape to decorate your nursery walls. This adhesive tape is decorative, so it shouldn’t stick permanently to the walls or cause tearing when you pull it off. You can find rolls of it with bright designs or cute patterns for less than $15, depending on where you shop.

Repurpose used furniture

Once you’ve taken care of the walls, you can move on to remodeling furniture and accessories in your nursery. Custom furniture can cost thousands of dollars for a single piece, and even buying a couple of new dressers or chairs can start racking up the bills.

While it does require a bit of DIY work, repurposing used furniture can be much lighter on your wallet — and a lot of people can’t tell the difference after a fresh coat of paint. Websites like Craigslist, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace are usually chock-full of old furniture, but you can also check out your local thrift store, too.

The downside to used furniture is that it probably won’t be in the best shape, but even a secondhand chair or table can last for years.

repurpose old furniture

A little bit of paint or a new set of knobs probably won’t seem like such a steep investment if you only paid $50 to $60 to begin with.

Look for durable items

If you’re not a fan of secondhand furniture, another option is to buy new, but look for items that will grow with your kids. A dresser that’s going to last for a decade might be worth the initial cash investment. You don’t have to buy everything new, but nightstands and bookshelves are something your child will likely still need when they’re older.

As long as you don’t go for custom or designer furniture, you can usually get the right dresser or chair for under $500.

Of course, if you are looking for furniture that’ll last a while, you probably want to avoid kiddy patterns and specific themes. Your kid might be into Disney princesses and butterflies now, but they might not be in five years. Stick to subtle patterns that won’t go out of fashion or neutral colors that fit with multiple color schemes.

Stick to inexpensive storage

Storage is a crucial part of your nursery’s layout. Whether you’re converting an empty room to a nursery or repurposing an old nursery, you’re going to need somewhere to store toys, children’s books, or other knick-knacks your kid picks up.

Shelves can be a hassle to put in, even if you install them yourself, and they offer limited space for toys. Instead, opt for colorful baskets or containers that come with more space and are easy on the budget.

If you aren’t careful, nursery decor can cost you upward of $10,000 — especially if you’re looking at new furniture, flooring, and a paint job. However, with a little resourcefulness and the tips above, you can save thousands, and put that money toward childcare.

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Montessori shelf playroom

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Add a chalkboard wall
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A crib with nursery decor hanging above it

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To remind your child it's all about their attitude
A child is never too young to learn how to work out a problem on their own, and it's never too early to help them have a positive attitude when working through an issue. These Disney characters have the right attitude.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem." -- Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
"The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work." -- Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)
"You control your destiny -- you don’t need magic to do it. And there are no magical shortcuts to solving your problems." -- Merida (Brave)
To remind your kid they are the only one of them out there
We all think our child is the most precious creature alive. And while we are all correct, hang one of these quotes in their nursery or bedroom to remind them daily.
"Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it." -- Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
"I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." -- Alice (Alice in Wonderland)

To remind them that taking a risk is always worth it
From the first step to the first day of school to the first activity they want to sign up for, every risk your child takes is worth it. Most children love risk-taking anyway, so foster that fearlessness by hanging these quotes up around their room.

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A child's room that's a bit messy with toys and items all over

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Local Buy Nothing group
If you don't know about your local Buy Nothing group, please look into it. It's a safe place to swap, give away, or ask for items or services completely free of charge. Sure, we'd all like to get a few bucks back from our child's toys, but if you don't want to go through that hassle, this is the best option. You don't even have to leave the house if you're more comfortable with porch pickups in your neighborhood.
Ask hospitals what they could use
Hospitals have tighter rules about what they can take, but it's never a bad idea to ask. The hospital would be the best for when you purchased something, it was the wrong size or item, and now you can't return it. Though items still in the packaging and with tags are always preferred, there are exceptions. Call and ask what your local hospital would take.
Reach out to local day cares/schools
If your children have ever gone to day care, you know how quickly they ask for donations. Day cares are open to more kinds of things, not just toys, so if you need to do a bit of an overhaul in your kids' rooms, ask your local day care facilities. The schools in your area are a great go-to, as well. Teachers always need classroom supplies, and the younger grades would need toys, books, and even clothing for when accidents happen.
Parent groups
Whether you're in a bunch of Facebook groups or are part of a group that meets in person, ask people you already know if they could use some toys your children have outgrown. You have a rapport with these other parents, and if you meet up in person, you could bring the items along and not have to make another stop.

Women's and children's centers in your area
For your donations to make a bigger impact, make sure women's and children's centers are on your list. If you were a struggling parent, you know how much it means to have a place like that to go to when in need. If you're a parent who doesn't have to struggle, pay it forward and count your blessings by donating to one.

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