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Is a gentle night light a good idea for your nursery?

Gentle night lights for babies have stirred up quite a bit of controversy in the parenting community. While some parents argue that night lights are a must-have for nursery decoration, others have claimed for years that it’s ruining a baby’s sleep patterns — so, what’s the right answer?

Night lights can affect how well your baby sleeps

We’ve done some of our own research and found that, unfortunately, night lights can have a negative impact on your little one’s circadian rhythm (and possibly melatonin production). However, the color of the night light can also play a role.

Night lights with a blue glow, for instance, can be particularly troublesome. Blue light can keep you alert during the daytime but can keep your baby up at night — more so than any other type of light. Yet, warm night lights with red and orange glows aren’t as harsh and might be the better choice for your infant.

Smolina Marianna/Shutterstock

Even so, any light — red or blue — can affect melatonin production during the night. This is a bigger issue for adults because babies don’t begin producing melatonin until they’re 3 months of age. So, while you shouldn’t worry about a night light impacting your newborn too much, it can affect children’s sleep when they are toddlers.

What concerns many parents is that the effects of poor sleep can extend into the toddler years and beyond. Kids who experience poor sleep in those first few months can end up having behavioral or emotional issues as they grow. If you suspect the night light is the culprit for poor sleep, it might be time to unplug it.

Night lights can have their perks

A night light can keep your baby up, but so can a fear of the dark. If your toddler is terrified of sleeping in the dark, using a night light could be soothing. Even dim lights can remind them that they’re safe, secure, and no monsters are hiding under the bed. Most toddlers grow out of this fear with time, so the night light isn’t always a permanent fixture in the nursery.

Even small babies can find a little illumination comforting. If your infant wakes up in the middle of the night, a little bit of light can help them locate their security blanket or stuffed animal inside the crib.

For parents, night lights also prevent you from stumbling around in the dark when you go to check on a crying baby. You’ll probably need to turn on some kind of light, and a night light might be less disruptive than an overhead light.

How to use a gentle night light wisely

If you think your nursery might need a night light, but you don’t want it to be disruptive, there are a couple of things you can do.

For one, avoid night lights that have too many features. Some night lights can play music for your little one, but that lullaby can also cause restlessness, too. Similarly, night lights that project moving patterns onto the ceiling might be pretty to look at, but they could be distracting at bedtime. If you can, try to stick to the basics.

You can also try hiding the night light. Instead of placing it right next to the crib, camouflaging the light behind a piece of furniture, or even placing it out in the hall can limit exposure. This can be challenging, depending on the layout of your nursery. Some nurseries might only have one or two outlets, so you’ll have to be strategic about how you cover up the light.

night light
Ekaterina Pokrovsky/Shutterstock

If you do end up placing it in the hallway, your baby should still get some light, but it shouldn’t be bright enough to cause sleep issues.

Don’t forget to steer clear of blue lights and stick to warm glows. Given how harsh blue light can be, it’s probably best just to avoid “cool” glows and stay with comforting reds and ambers.

Another thing to pay attention to is how many lumens the night light has. The more lumens there are, the brighter the light will be.

While there’s plenty of debate surrounding whether night lights are a good idea for kids, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Every kid is different — night lights might keep one child up, but another might not be able to sleep without it. If you’re not sure, you can always try a night light for a couple of nights and remove it if you feel it’s too disruptive.

Or, if you’ve already got a night light set up in the nursery and your child seems to sleep peacefully, it’s best to leave well enough alone!

Need to clean out the playroom? This is where you should donate toys
Need help on where to donate toys to tidy up your child's room? We have the local spots to go to first
A child's room that's a bit messy with toys and items all over

Between holidays, birthdays, and "just because" moments, the playroom and kids' bedrooms fill up pretty quickly with all sorts of items. If you want to declutter that toy room and get rid of the things your children no longer play with, donating will teach your kids to help others while letting you see the floor again. Instead of the places that are the usual stops for toy donations near you, try these other places first.
Local Buy Nothing group
If you don't know about your local Buy Nothing group, please look into it. It's a safe place to swap, give away, or ask for items or services completely free of charge. Sure, we'd all like to get a few bucks back from our child's toys, but if you don't want to go through that hassle, this is the best option. You don't even have to leave the house if you're more comfortable with porch pickups in your neighborhood.
Ask hospitals what they could use
Hospitals have tighter rules about what they can take, but it's never a bad idea to ask. The hospital would be the best for when you purchased something, it was the wrong size or item, and now you can't return it. Though items still in the packaging and with tags are always preferred, there are exceptions. Call and ask what your local hospital would take.
Reach out to local day cares/schools
If your children have ever gone to day care, you know how quickly they ask for donations. Day cares are open to more kinds of things, not just toys, so if you need to do a bit of an overhaul in your kids' rooms, ask your local day care facilities. The schools in your area are a great go-to, as well. Teachers always need classroom supplies, and the younger grades would need toys, books, and even clothing for when accidents happen.
Parent groups
Whether you're in a bunch of Facebook groups or are part of a group that meets in person, ask people you already know if they could use some toys your children have outgrown. You have a rapport with these other parents, and if you meet up in person, you could bring the items along and not have to make another stop.

Women's and children's centers in your area
For your donations to make a bigger impact, make sure women's and children's centers are on your list. If you were a struggling parent, you know how much it means to have a place like that to go to when in need. If you're a parent who doesn't have to struggle, pay it forward and count your blessings by donating to one.

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