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6 incredible Mother’s Day ideas you can help your grade-schoolers set up

When your partner first became a mother, including your kids in the gift-giving process was as easy as scribbling their names on a card or assigning gifts from the children. As your children get older, they can become more involved in planning Mother’s Day.

This year, make Mother’s Day extra meaningful for the mom in your life by involving your grade-schoolers. Here are six Mother’s Day ideas to make this year one she won’t forget.

Child making a DIY gift for Mother's Day
Image used with permission by copyright holder

1. Breakfast in bed

Take a task off Mom’s plate by cooking her a delicious meal. Whether it’s making breakfast in bed or planning and cooking her favorite dinner, grade-schoolers make excellent kitchen helpers. Involve your kids throughout the process. She can help plan the menu, write the shopping list, and buy the items.

Many kids love helping in the kitchen. Together, you can read the directions and assemble the ingredients. You can supervise your grade-schoolers while you chop vegetables, break eggs, or whisk batter, and Mom sits back and relaxes. The kiddos can even help with the kitchen cleanup, too. No matter the outcome, Mom will know her food was cooked with love.

2. Plan an outing

Moms spend so much time organizing and planning for their families. Behind most family trips and holidays is a mom who worked endlessly to make the magic happen. Repay her endless dedication by planning a special day out just for her.

Your kids can help make a list of Mom’s favorite activities and places. Maybe she enjoys hiking or biking. Is there a restaurant she’s been wanting to try? A favorite coffee spot? Together, you and your kiddos can create an itinerary for Mom’s day out. Gift her the schedule in the morning and spend the whole day making memories as a family.

3. Create a family craft

Over the years, moms end up with buckets of holiday crafts. Put a spin on the traditional kid crafts by coming up with a craft that the family can complete together. Your school-aged kids can help search to find the perfect craft idea for the mom in your life.

Completing the craft together as a family will give Mom a special Mother’s Day gift and will also gift her a day filled with incredible memories — one she can relive every time she sees her craft. Consider a craft or activity that would be meaningful for her. You could plant a family tree, make family stepping stones, or create a piece of artwork to hang in the house.

Family giving Mom flowers and a card for Mother's Day
Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock

4. Mommy yes day

We’ve all heard of yes days for kids: a day where parents must say “yes” to any of their kids’ requests and demands. Why not give Mom the same gift? A day where whatever Mom says, goes. You could surprise her the morning of or let her know ahead of time so she can prepare for the day. Your grade-schoolers can help create mommy yes day instructions and a card and help Mom brainstorm potential ideas.

Organizing a mommy yes day guarantees a Mother’s Day full of the things she loves. A day all for her with no whining, arguing, or compromises. Not only will she be able to do all her favorite activities, but she will also get to keep the joyous memories and experiences for years to come.

5. Make a photo album

Thought-out, sentimental gifts are what moms want. Chances are, Mom has endless photos stored on her phone, computer, or social media. For a truly memorable gift, compile a family photo album by having your kids go through the pictures and pick out their favorites that they know Mom will love.

Once they select the photos, you can use a website to create a photo album or you can print digitals and make your own. Have your children create captions to go with the photos. Prompt them by asking them what they love most about that photo or the day it was taken. You could even have them list out reasons they love their mom or what makes her so special.

Your school-aged kids can go through the album with their mom — and go through the pictures in detail. Mom can flip through and cherish this gift of photo memories for many Mother’s Days to come.

6. Build a basket

For another special Mother’s Day idea, you and your kids can build a basket of treats and gifts. Have each of your children pick out one or more items for her gift basket. As a team, you can brainstorm ideas or assign categories, like favorite flowers, candies, or accessories. You can also all go shopping together.

Add an even more personal touch by including homemade coupons for one-on-one time, date nights, and hugs. The children can help make their own cards or write personalized letters to Mom as part of the basket.

Moms are unique and spend so much time celebrating their loved ones. Show Mom gratitude and give her an incredible gift this Mother’s Day.

Whitney Sandoval
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Whitney Sandoval is a freelance writer and educator living in the Midwest. She writes about parenting, accessibility, and…
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